well i thought i might add a little comment. I don't know if it would help or not. When i first got pregnant with my son believe it or not i didnt get no symptoms i played gym everyday up until we found out i was pregnant and i was 71/2 months pregnant. After we told that's when my belly blew up. So basically i what im trying to say is maybe you might not have symptoms. Although you may feel dizzy and feel like your gonna faint.
Nothing. Men do not have symptoms when a woman is pregnant.
No. If you have your period, then you aren't pregnant. All of those are symptoms of a woman's period.
yes, many woman have had these symptoms and think it is because of there period. but it could also be from stress or that your pregnant
Hello. A woman can only tell she is pregnant by doing a pregnancy test then by seeing her doctor for confirmation on the results of the pregnancy test. The first indication of pregnancy is a missed period.
If she gets her period, then she isn't pregnant. If you have sex while she is on her period then there is a chance she will get pregnant.
If a woman does not have a period she cannot get pregnant.
No, that is a symtom of your period. I know it is wierd. Pregancy symptoms are period symptoms :)
If you are having a regular period, you are not pregnant.
It depends on the woman, however the earliest symptoms (like a missed period) start to happen during the first trimester (9 weeks)
A woman can get pregnant before, during and after her period.
You can experience PMS symptoms and be pregnant yes. But if you get your period then you aren't pregnant.