DHE is believed to work by causing blood vessels in the brain to narrow, therefore reducing the effects and symptoms of a migrane or cluster headache.
joe pasqale
Consult your doctor.
Please refer to silent migraines.
Yes, to great effect.
Pie lots of pie and dancing the migrane skank wahahaha
You could be experiencing the initial symptoms of a migrane. Try drinking water and sitting quietly in a calm room and see of that helps. If you catch it early enough you can also treat it with Ibuprofen or Paracetamol
Depends why you think you had a stroke. MRI has ruled out that you had a stroke so it wasn't that - move on. What else could have given you they symptoms that you had to make you think it was a stroke? Did you become paralyised down one side? Did you lose the co-ordination to form coherent speach? Have you considered simple migrane? Have you spoken to your doctor and explained your symptoms to them?
Drugs or hypnosis or acupuncture. Different things work for different people.
According to the Naturalnews, some herbal remedies can be found for migrane attacks. For example Feverfew is capable of preventing migrane attacks, but won't help once the attack has begun. Another preventative is butterbur extract.
if it is extremely painfull it could be a migrane.
Lyme Disease is something to consider. or migrane with aura.