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Though heartburn is the characteristic symptom of GERD in adolescents and adults, GERD in children and infants is not so easy to recognize. Frequent vomiting or spitting up is the usual indicator for GERD in children. However, vomiting can be a symptom of many other childhood disorders, including stomach flu, allergy, or a related symptom to almost any illness. Frequent vomiting that continues after the first four months of life or is excessive at any time usually indicates the presence of GERD. Constant crying with back arching usually accompanies the frequent vomiting.

Children with GERD who are preschool age and older often have gas and abdominal pain above the navel. They only have intermittent vomiting. They can also experience chest pain or true heartburn symptoms, which can last up to two hours and get worse after eating. Bending over or lying down makes the heartburn worse.

Children with GERD exhibit difference symptoms. They can either gain or lose weight. One group of children will eat more because they are uncomfortable and a full stomach seems to make them feel better temporarily. Another group of children are often very picky about what they eat, refusing specific foods. These children will only eat a few bites even though they might be very hungry. A third group of children report having trouble swallowing; they choke or gag whenever they eat, no matter what foods are served. A fourth group of children will drink liquids constantly because doing so soothes the burning feeling in their esophagus.

Respiratory symptoms are twice as likely to occur in children with GERD as those who do not have it. Children often have frequent sore throats when they wake up in the morning, sinus infections, bronchitis, and dry coughs. These children have a constantly runny nose or a hoarse, deep voice. They can also experience wheezing or other Asthma symptoms. Some children aspirate the stomach contents, which can cause pneumonia or even sudden death.

Sleep is often disturbed. Children often wake up with a nighttime cough or choke when they lie down. Some children experience sleep apnea (interrupted breathing).

Other children have frequent ear infections or drool a lot. Some infants and toddlers will insist on being held upright and not laid down, often falling asleep over a parent's shoulder or in a parent's arms. In some extreme cases, when there is a lot of stomach acid regurgitation, the child's teeth will show enamel erosion.

Children with GERD may also have hiccups or belch a lot. They can also have bad breath and complain of having a sour taste in their mouths.

Some children with GERD have anemia. This condition usually develops because there is an ulcer in the lining of the esophagus that has begun to bleed.

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Where do I find information about the symptoms of GERD?

You could ask your doctor about the symptoms of gerd throat and how to avoid getting it. They will be able to tell you if you have it, if you think you got it.

What is the best diet for GERD symptoms?

The best diet to help combat GERD symptoms would be to stay away from foods with high contents of acid or salt and to try and include more calcium and soft foods. The point of the diet is to not disrupt or encourage the GERD symptoms to reoccur.

What are the symptoms of a gastroesophageal problem?

You may be experiencing GERD, which stands for Gastroesophageal reflux disease. Symptoms of GERD include acid indigestion, trouble swallowing, and dry cough.

What if you have gerd and smoke weed?

I have GERD and I'm an avid marijuana smoker. My symptoms stay about the same whether I smoke or not.

Is there a diet that can relieve me of GERD symptoms?

There are two sites that have information about GERD, WebMD and and both suggest that the GERD symptoms require surgery rather than any type of symptom relieve because they don't work long term.

What are the benefits of GERD treatment?

The benefits of GERD treatment is that you will be cured of your symptoms, which are commonly abdominal pain and acid reflux. You will also reduce the risk of cancer.

What are the signs and symptoms of GERD?

Gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD) symptoms include heartburn, acid coming up your esophagus into your mouth, laryngitis, sore throat, nausea, bad breath, earaches, and chronic dry cough.

Can a gerd patient take Ibuprofen?

Ibuprofen and agitate the symptoms of acid reflux. Ibuprofen can increase the symptoms and severity of GERD. Studies have demonstrated that NSAID users were twice as likely to have GERD symptoms as those, who did take ibuprofen, Aspirin, and other NSAIDs. Always best to ask your doctor before taking any over-the-counter meds. If you must take ibuprofen and you have been diagnosed with GERD, taking the Ibuprofen with milk and/or yogurt may lessen the potential agitation.

What kind of diet do people with GERD usually have?

Some foods can make GERD symptoms worse. You should avoid caffeine and carbonated beverages. It has been said that spicy and acidic foods can also trigger bad symptoms, as well as chocolate.

What is gerd throat and what are the symptoms?

Gerd throat is caused when the acidic juices in your stomach stay in the esophagus for too long causing irritation and the most common symptom is heartburn.

What happens if you stop taking omeprazole and you have gerd?

Your symptoms may come back if you stop omeorazole

What are thr symptoms of heartburn?

The symptoms of heartburn include a burning pain in the chest that usually occurs after eating and may occur at night. Heartburn can cause pain that worsens when lying down or bending over. Heartburn can also cause severe chest pain, difficulty breathing an jaw or arm pain.