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Hemophilia has several common symptoms and these include bleeding of the joints and muscles, and prolonged bleeding. Bleeding is not typically faster or different to someone without hemophilia but it takes much longer to stop, typically, and this is the main symptom of the illness.

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11y ago

Hemophilia is a blood clotting disorder. some symptoms are: bruising, joint pain, blood in urine or stool, nosebleeds or unexplained bleeding after immunizations. Some famous hemophiliacs include: Prince Leopold, Duke of Albany, Tsarevich Alexei, and Ryan Wayne White.

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12y ago

The symptoms shown by animals with hemophilia are basically the same as those shown in humans. Prolonged bleeding due to slow clot formation.

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Can hemophilia be detected in the child before birth?

yes hemophilia can be detected before birth

Why does animals get hemophilia?

Genetic inheritence.

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What is a carrier for hemophilia?

A carrier for hemophilia is a female who carries the genetic mutation for hemophilia on one of her X chromosomes, but does not exhibit symptoms of the condition herself. Carriers can pass on the gene mutation to their children, resulting in hemophilia in male offspring. Testing can confirm carrier status.

Why is hemophilia B called the Christmas disease?

Hemophilia B is called the Christmas disease because it was first discovered in a young boy named Stephen Christmas who experienced severe bleeding after a minor injury on Christmas day in 1952. This incident led to the identification of hemophilia B as a distinct type of hemophilia caused by a deficiency in clotting factor IX.

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Infected animals often have no symptoms.

What food can you find vitamin k in?

Vitamin K is not found in food but rather is produced by the micro-fauna that inhabits your intestines. Studies on Vitamin K were first done by destroying the micro-fauna in the guts of animals and observing the symptoms they developed - like hemophilia.

A condition of clot formation is called?

Symptoms include: pain, swelling, paralysis, weakness, or loss of sensation.

Why are females less likely to get hemophilia?

Females are less likely to show the symptoms of hemophilia but in actuality are more likely to have the genetic mutation for hemophilia. The reason they are less likely to show the symptoms is the fact that hemophilia is the result of a mutation on the X chromosome. Since females have two X chromosomes they likely have a chromosome that is not mutated as well. With the mutation normally being a recessive trait, the normal X chromosome is usually expressed instead. Since males only have one X chromosome, if the mutation for hemophilia is present, it will be expressed. For the same reasons, the chances of a female having the mutation is greater (however still very small), simply because she has two X chromosomes.

How do you use the word hemophilia in a sentence?

Hemophilia is a bleeding disorder caused by either insufficient amounts of a clotting factor protein or a clotting factor protein that does not work correctly. The blood in individuals with hemophilia does not clot as fast as an individual with no bleeding disorder. Hemophilia is most often genetic and carried on the X chromosome. For this reason, men (having only one X chromosome rather than two like females) tend to show the symptoms of hemophilia and be diagnosed as hemophiliacs much more frequently.

Is hemophilia due to heredity?

Yes hemophilia is a inheerited bleeding dissorder. i read it from my medical book. hemophilia means blood love and can be passed down from mother to daughter. or in some cases mother to son. it is more common for it to passed to daughters. I hope this helped. :)

What is a disease in which the blood does not clot normally?

Hemophilia is one disease in which blood does not clot normally. von Willebrand's Disease