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The alveolus (plural = alveoli) is the tiny air sac in the lung where gas exchange occurs. Oxygen from the inhaled air diffuses through the walls of the alveoli and adjacent capillaries into the red blood cells. The oxygen is then carried by the blood to the body tissues. Carbon dioxide produced by the body's metabolism returns to the lung via the blood. It then diffuses across the capillary and alveolar walls into the air to be removed from the body with expiration.

The alveoli have a structure specialized for efficient gaseous exchange:

  • Walls are extremely thin.
  • They have a large surface area in relation to volume.
  • They are fluid lined enabling gases to dissolve.
  • They are surrounded by numerous capillaries.
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13y ago

The alveoli, they put the oxygen in the bloodstream and take the carbon dioxide out.

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12y ago

The Alveoli is responsible for the gas exchange in the lungs

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16y ago

The "air spaces" in the lungs are called alveoli. They are very richly vascularized and have very thin walls, which allows for easy gas exchange.

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the alveoli

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Q: What are the structures in the lungs where gas exchange takes place?
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Gas exchange in the lungs takes place in what?

The gas exchange that takes place in the lungs are carbon dioxide and oxygen.

What exchange takes place in the lungs?

gaseous exchange - in the alveolis

Where does exchange of oxygen take place?

The exchange of oxygen takes place in the alveoli. It is found in our lungs

What are the bubble shape sacs in the lungs where gas exchange takes place?

The thin sacs in the lungs where the gas exchange takes place are called aveoli.

What gas take place in the lungs?

The gas exchange that takes place in the lungs are carbon dioxide and oxygen.

What is the part of the lungs where gaseous exchange takes place?

In the alveoli

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Gas exchange takes place by book lungs .

Where exactly the exchange of gases takes place in lungs?

it takes place in yhe capilaries attached to the aveoils.

Where does the actual air exchange take place in the lungs?

The actual air exchange in the lungs takes place in the alveoli, which are tiny sacs at the end of the bronchioles. Oxygen from the inhaled air passes through the walls of the alveoli and into the bloodstream, while carbon dioxide moves from the blood into the alveoli to be exhaled.

Where does the exchange of gasses in the body takes place?

generally in the lungs and the alveli

The exchange of respiratory gases in a cell takes place through the?

the lungs

What is the exchange of carbon dioxide and oxygen takes place in the?

Exchange of carbon dioxide and oxygen takes place in the lungs through the process of respiration. In the lungs, oxygen from inhaled air is absorbed into the bloodstream, while carbon dioxide is released from the bloodstream into the lungs to be exhaled.