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It is impossible for a baby to have brown eyes if both of his parents have blue eyes since the brown eye gene is more dominant.

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Q: What are the specifics about the genetics for two blue eyed people to have a brown eyed baby?
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If a man is brown has a baby with a white woman will the child be white?

It could be white or brown it all depends on DNA or Genetics there is basically a 50 50 chance

Can two people without brown eyes have a brown eyed baby?

If it runs in the family, yes. The genetics of eye color are more complex than previously understood. Almost any parent-child combination of eye colors can occur.

If the mother has blond hair and the father has red hair what color hair will the baby have?

The baby could have blond hair or red hair, or potentially a mix of both if they inherit a blend of genetic traits from each parent. The exact outcome would depend on the specific combination of genes each parent passes on to the child.

How do genetics make a baby?

Genetics do not make a baby, they determine whether the baby will be more like the father or mother. Genetics can help determine traits like a baby having hair or eye colour like the mother.

What colour eyes will a baby have if the father has a mixture of blue and grey eyes and the mother brown eyes?

Most likely it will come out a shade of brown. Brown is a dominant trait. Since the father has light eyes the baby has a chance of hazel eyes also. Genetics are tricky usually you never know until the birth of the offspring.

Can a brown eyed dad and a blue eyed mom make a blue eyed baby?

yes, only 2 blue eyed people can only have a blue eyed baby, this will not change ever! where as 2 brown eyed people can also have a blue eyed baby, but for 2 blue eyed people to have a brown eyed baby is impossible!

Can light brown hair people have baby with black hair?

If someone if the family in previous generations had black hair, then it is a possibility that the people with light brown hair have a baby with black hair.

How can two blue eyed parents have a baby with brow eyes?

Genetics is quite confusing. Both of the parents must have had one blue allele (gene) and one brown one. This means that there is a 1/4 chance that the baby could have brown eyes. Blue eyes are dominant, so if the baby had one blue gene in his eyes he would have had blue eyes. Since the parents had one of each, the baby had a 1/4 chance of having two blue alleles, 2/4 chance of 1 blue and 1 brown alleles (which still means both blue eyes), or 1/4 chance of 2 brown alleles. Sources: School Genetics

If your partner has brown eyes will your baby?

The genetics of eye color are more complex than previously thought. Almost any parent-child combination of eye colors can

What color will a baby's eyes be if the mother has dark brown eyes and the Father of the baby has black eyes would the baby have colored eyes?

The genetics of eye color are more complex than previously understood. Almost any parent-child combination of eye colors can occur.

If someone with green eyes had a baby with someone with brown eyes what color would the eyes of the baby be?

The genetics of eye color are more complex than previously thought. Almost any parent-child combination of eye colors can occur.

Who is caring Chris Brown's baby?

Chris Brown does not have a baby.