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In general, if germs get to be where they aren't usually that forms (most usually) an infection. Germs are in your gut. You get an intestinal ulcer. The germs enter the blood steam -- infection!

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Q: What are the sources of infection?
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What are sources of infection?

In general, if germs get to be where they aren't usually that forms (most usually) an infection. Germs are in your gut. You get an intestinal ulcer. The germs enter the blood steam -- infection!

What do exogenous sources of infection include?

Exogenous infection is a bacterial infection that develops from the outside of the body. Exogenous bacteria are foodborne and waterborne which can be consumed directly or through secondary host.

How do people get Cellulitis?

Twenty-five percent of orbital infections occur after surgery on the face. Other sources of orbital infection include a direct infection from an eye injury, from a dental or throat infection, and through the bloodstream.

Is it possible to get an infection from missing a shot of crack cocaine and heroin?

Any injection done without standard precautions and asepsis can introduce sources of infection into the human body.

How do people get orbital cellulitis?

Twenty-five percent of orbital infections occur after surgery on the face. Other sources of orbital infection include a direct infection from an eye injury, from a dental or throat infection, and through the bloodstream.

Identify common sources of infection-?

Common sources of infection include contaminated food and water, person-to-person contact, sexual contact, contaminated objects, and airborne droplets from coughs and sneezes. In healthcare settings, healthcare-associated infections can also occur due to poor infection control practices.

How can people contract cryptosporidiosis?

Most common sources of infection are other humans, water supplies, or reservoirs.

What cause mites in chicken?

Infection from outside sources or new chickens added to the flock, lack of preventative care.

What are the common sources of infection?

Bacteria and viruses are the most common agents of infection. These are usually acquired by touching a contaminated surface or person. The best way to minimize risk of infection is to practice proper hand washing protocols.

What sources of infection are not communicable?

Some sources of infections are not communicable. For example the rabies to the human is a dead end and is not communicable. Although one such case is reported in 1983, in which the child had bitten his father and both of them died of rabies.