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- Loss of productivity: The diseases that affect the plants, allows them to stop growing. They are unable to use and this will negatively affect the consumers of these products. - Loss of agricultural crops:Farmers lose their crops because of the different diseases in the plants. This will negatively affect the farmer and losses will result.

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13y ago

Disease within a population can cause loss of man hours, productivity, earnings, reduced economy, standard of living, increased demands on health services, social unrest, crime and loss of human resources.

Disease of livestock and agricultural crops results in the loss of income, reduction in food availability and a reduces standard of living.

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Q: What are the social implications of disease in plants and animals?
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Discuss the social and economic implications of disease in plants and animals?

the economic implications would be farmers would lose crop as the result of disease in plants and animals would be affected. the farmers are losing money the crop is in shortage supply and the price in the supermarkets increase. I'm not sure about the social implications but it could be the diseases in plants and animals could mutate and affect us such as swine flu and mad cow disease.

What are the social and economic implications of diseases in plants and animals?

There are several social and economic implications of diseases in plants and animals. Specifically, if the plants and animals in an area are dying off, this poses a threat to the animals in other communities. Additionally, this may mean that people who farm or hunt the animals in these communities, are losing revenue.

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