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Q: What are the signs of rabies after a person has been bitten by a dog with rabies?
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Can you eat a chicken that was bitten by an animal with rabies?

I would Definitely NOT eat a chicken that has been bitten by an animal with rabies. Unless you want rabies, too.

Does puppy bite have rubbies?

Assuming you mean "rabies", seldom does a puppy have this disease. Rabies can only be passed on from one animal to another by being bitten by an animal with the rabies. If the puppy has never been bitten itself, it cannot have rabies.

Can you get rabies after 4 years after you been bite by a dog?

i don't think you will get rabies because its been for 4 years since you have been bitten by a dog.

Can a female raccoon have rabies?

Any raccoon, male or female, young or old, can have rabies if they have been bitten by an expose animal.

Are rabies deadly?

Rabies has not been found to be contagious from person to person. In theory, if a person infected with rabies were to bite someone else, the virus might spread, but no such cases have been recorded.

Why rabies found in dog?

Rabies can be found in almost any animal that has been bitten by another rabid animal., humans can et rabies as well, not just dogs.

Why do some bats have rabies and some don't?

In order to get rabies, an animal has to have been exposed to the disease, usually by being bitten or scratched by an infected animal. Most bats will not have rabies, as an animal that does get infected does not have long to live.

Is a 3-month old newly-rabies-vaccinated dog safe from rabies?

I have been bitten by our 3-month old chihuahua who just have been vaccinated on the same day as it has bitten me. The bite was petty but my pet's bite was strong enough to make my skin bleed. It has been 6 days since the incident happened.

My guinea pig has been do you treat this?

Clean the wound with a saline solution or gentle antiseptic, then apply a small amount of antibiotic ointment. Monitor the area for signs of infection such as redness, swelling, or discharge. If there are any concerns, consult a veterinarian for further treatment.

Do you need rabies shots after bitten by a pet like dog?

If you are in a country with rabies, it would be far safer to get the injections after you are bitten by a dog, especially a dog whose vaccination status is unknown, a particularly aggressive dog, or a stray dog. The rabies incubation period is 1 - 3 months, therefore a dog can be infected with rabies (and infect you), without showing ANY external clinical signs of being infected with rabies. Chances are, during this incubation period, the virus will NOT have entered the saliva glands. It is only after the dog is affected with neurological signs that the virus tends to be excreted in the dogs saliva. However, this is not a risk worth taking. I would, of course, consult as quickly as possible with your local doctor if you have been bitten for the best advice.

What are symptoms of rabies if you get bitten from a mice?

There is no test for rabies. You would have to take the shots for rabies if you thought that you did have rabies and would be concerned about the possibility. However, statistically, it is unlikely that you would have contracted rabies. The mouse would have had to have been bitten by an animal with rabies and survived the bite in order to become infected. If you have captured the mouse, you could take it to the local health department to be tested for rabies.

Is there a disorder for people that have gotten bit by dogs?

Yes. People who have been bitten by dogs may suffer emotional reactions such as trauma and then display a lot of fear around dogs. if a person is bitten by a rabid dog, they may develop rabies - a fatal virus unless treated quickly.