a bad one
The spinal cord injury caused her chronic ongoing pain and discomfort ; a chronic problem for her .
chronic injury (persistent elevation).....chronic disease (mild elevations)....don't forget medication effects!....elevation from acute injury should decrease in 3-7 days post-injury
Acute injuries, such as a sprained ankle, strained back, or fractured hand, occur suddenly during activity. Signs of an acute injury include: * sudden, severe pain * swelling * inability to place weight on a lower limb * extreme tenderness in an upper limb * inability to move a joint through full range of motion * extreme limb weakness * visible dislocation / break of a bone
Signs of an internal injury: 1. Localised swelling2. Discolouration of the skin Symptoms of an internal injury: 1. Localised pain 2. The patient will protect and guard the injury siteOther signs include: 1. The patient with blood coming out the ears and nose - Head Injury 2. The patient that coughs up blood - Thoracic Injury 3. The patient with blood in their stool - Abdominal Injury
You can find information on managing chronic pain from a knee injury though numerous sources. There is the net, books, magazines, and better yet, talking to a physician.
You can see the spine.
A chronic injury is an injury that develops slowly over time and persists for a long period, often causing recurring or ongoing pain and impairment. These injuries typically result from overuse, improper movement patterns, or underlying conditions, and they require careful management and rehabilitation to prevent further damage.
He was diagnosed with a chronic disease. She suffered from chronic pain due to a spinal injury. My grandmother had chronic pain in her hip. Some people suffer from chronic back pain. Mason's chronic lateness caused him to receive a two day suspension without pay.
Acute pain or chronic pain is the risk for injury.
metabolic acidosis
a sense of personal isolation and chronic anxiety