you can not eat or drink until the full moon
you can not brush your teeth
you eat how much you like at 2:30 after you have to brush your teeth because you can't in morning till night
you do not do anything bad
not listening to older's
breaking the fast
if having peiriods you cannot do fasting for six days when it is over then have a bath and you can start fasting
The rules vary, depending on the specific religion.
Fasting is the act of not eating any thing for a set periods of time, like in Ramadan they can,t eat from sun rise to sunset . These rules are applied by religions and are kept constant every where
Different religions have different rules for fasting. It would certainly help to know what religion you are talking about.
Pillars of Fasting? You mean Rules/Regulations? While fasting, one can not be sick/on travel/on period(for women) Profuse bleeding, or throwing up will break your fast. While fasting, it is recommended that you not speak in vain. For more information, visit web site, alislam
Drink only boiled water if desired for the period of paryushan.
Rules for fasting vary from one religion to another. Just as an example, in the Baha'i Faith, during certain days the believers may (usually) eat or drink NOTHING from sunrise to sunset. Other religions may have other rules - for example, simply forbid specific food items.
The rules that govern abstinence in the Catholic church also govern fasting. These rules are called the Code of Canon Law for Roman Catholic churches and the Code of Canons of Oriental Churches for Eastern Catholic churches.
According to the rules of Ramadan, oral medications are not permitted during fasting hours, and it is up to each Muslim to determine what rules of Ramadan they particularly want to follow. There are no rules about medications like paracetamol during Christian Lenten fasting. According to the rules for Jewish fasting, a person may swallow bitter medicines in tablet, capsule or liquid form, but not if they are pleasant tasting or tasteless. The medicine must not be taken with water. If one cannot swallow the capsule or tablet without any liquid, he should use a bitter tasting liquid. (If the capsule or tablet will still be effective when mixed with water, this is a practical solution since such liquid is usually bitter tasting.) You can also consult a rabbi.
Fasting is eating only three meals with no snacks or eating in between meals and the two lesser meals combined should not be greater than the biggest meal. Abstinence means no meat. Ash Wednesday and Good Friday are days of fast and abstinence. All Fridays of Lent are days of abstinence. Fasting is recommended but not required on other days of Lent. Rules apply to those between ages 18 and 60 for fasting and 14 until death for abstinence unless medical reasons contraindicate.
Mentioned below are few types of fasting:- Buddhist fasting Ayurvedic fasting dry fasting juice fasting Therapeutic Fasting
The Eastern Orthodox Church rules allow for fish to be consumed on some fasting seasons, such as the Apostles' Fast and the Christmas (Advent) Fast (except on Wednesdays and Fridays), because these fasts are not as strict as Great Lent (before Easter) or the Virgin Mary's Dormition Fast. The Coptic Orthodox Church may have some slight variations to these fasting rules, but essentially they are very similar.
Juice fasting is something in which you have to do fasting but you can have juices.