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Q: What are the routes of exposure of an allergen?
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Exposure to an allergen.

A state of abnormal hypersensitivity acquired through exposure to particular allergen?


A state of abnormal hypersensitivity acquired through exposure to a particular allergen?


What is provocation testing?

Provocation testing involves direct exposure to a likely allergen, either through inhalation or ingestion. Positive reactions from any of these tests may be used to narrow the candidates for the actual allergen causing the allergy.

What antibody is produced in a reaction to an allergen?

The antibody is specific to the antigen (allergen). Different antibodies are produced at different times of exposure (IgM=acute; IgG=longterm) or in different systems of the body (IgA is produced in the gut).

What do hives on the thigh specifically mean?

Hives on the thigh have no specific meaning, unless it might point to exposure to some allergen that took place only on the thighs.

How is chronic poisoning caused?

A person may accumulate toxic amounts of a chemical in his or her body through daily exposure to the chemicals. Common routes of exposure include

What is exposure assessment?

This is the process of estimating or measuring the magnitude, frequency and duration of exposure to an agent, as well as the number and characteristics of the population exposed. It describes sources, pathways, routes and uncertainties.

What are skin tests?

Skin tests are performed by administering a tiny dose of the suspected allergen by pricking, scratching, puncturing or injecting the skin.Reactions are usually evaluated approximately fifteen minutes after exposure.

What are the three ways to be exposed to a hazardous substance?

The three main ways to be exposed to a hazardous substance are inhalation (breathing it in), ingestion (swallowing it), and dermal contact (skin contact). These exposure routes can occur through accidental spills, leaks, or improper handling of hazardous materials. It is important to follow proper safety procedures to minimize the risk of exposure.

What are the four possible routes of exposure to hazardous substances?

Inhalation is the most common route for exposure to a hazardous material. Other possible routes include:skin contactskin absorptioninjectioningestion (eating or drinking)

How is an allergy is different from an allergen?

An allergy is the reaction that the body will have, where as an allergen is something that causes the allergy to occur.