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Veins that are leave each kidney, according to they're side of the anatomic position of the body.

Left Kidney- Left vein; Right Kidney- Right vein.

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Q: What are the right and left renal veins?
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What are the artiries and veins that lead to the kidney?

The left and right renal arteries and veins branch off from the abdominal aorta.

What veins drain into the renal vein?

Renal veins empty into the inferior vena cava

How does blood flow from right atrium to renal veins?

Right atrium to the right ventricle through the pulmonary arteries to the lungs back to the pulmonary veins to the left atrium and then left ventricle. From the left ventricle blood will exit the heart through the aorta. The renal arteries branch directly off of the abdominal aorta which flow to the kidneys. Blood will filter through the kidneys and return to the bloodstream through the renal veins which empty into the inferior vena cava which then empties into the right arium of the heart.

What major vessel drains blood from the abdomen and returns it to the heart?

The left gondanal vein drains into the left renal vein and the right gonadal vein, the renal veins and the hepatic veins drain into the inferior vena cava. The blood will then travel along the inferior vena cava to return to the right atrium.

What is the name of the blue vessel which runs down between the kidneys?

Inferior Vena Cava and the branches that lead to the kidney's are the right and left renal veins.

Name the large veins and arteries that carry blood to and from the kidney?

The Renal vein/arteryRenal Arteries (to) and Renal Veins (from)

Where is the location of the interlobar vein?

interlobar arteries are vessels of the renal circulation which supply the renal lobes: interlobar veins are veins of the renal circulation which drain the renal lobes.

Trace blood supply through the kidney?

***CORRECT ANSWER***Renal Arteries--> Segmental Arteries--> Lobar Arteries--> Interlobar Arteries--> Arcuate Arteries--> Cortical Radiate Arteries--> Afferent Arterioles--> Glomeruli--> Efferent Arterioles--> Peritubular Capillaries--> Cortical Radiate Veins--> Arcuate Veins--> Interlobar Veins--> Renal Vein.

Veins that drain blood from the kidneys?

renal veins

What is the pathway of the blood from the renal artery to the renal veins?

renal artery, segmental arteries, interlobar arteries, arcuate arteries, cortical radiate arteries, afferent arterioles, glomerulus, efferent arteriole, peritubular capillaries, venules, interlobar veins, arcuate veins, interlobar veins, renal vein.

What is the Veins draining the liver?

The right and left hepatic veins.

Where does the inferior vena cava start and end?

Inferior vena cava takes blood to the heart from your whole body. more specificly the inferior vena cava (or IVC), is a large vein that carries de-oxygenated blood from the lower half of the body into the right atrium of theheart.