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Q: What are the reasons behind having a blood test repeated?
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What are some reasons why your blood pressure information is important to know?

It is important to know your blood pressure information because having high blood pressure can increase your risk for life-threatening illnesses. Heart disease and stroke are both linked to having high blood pressure. The only way to measure your blood pressure is to have it checked with a blood pressure cuff, which thankfully is quick and painless!

Can a human survive on blood like a vampire?

No. Vampires are not real first of all and second there are different blood types. People when they need blood for medical reasons have to have the same blood type from a blood bank . A person would get sick and die from having different blood types and from drinking blood as food.

What are the reasons for blood grouping for people having transfusions?

People with different blood types have different types of antibodies. For example, a person who is A- cannot accept blood from a person who is B- because his/her anitbodies would attack the donor's blood cells making them inefficient.

Why do some people get bit by fleas and others don't?

There are probably several reasons, for example, people having different skin and different blood types.

You have been on the implant and have not had a period so why are you having brown spotting could this be a sign of pregnancy your having pregnancy symptoms?

There are many reasons that you could be spotting. You should make an appointment with your doctor and have blood work done.

Can you still be pregnant if hcg levels drop?

Alot of reasons can cause that. You could be pregnant and not know and having a miscarriage! Take a blood pregnancy test asap!

Does having a flush face mean you have hyper tension?

Possibly. There are other reasons as well, such as rosacea and effects of taking slow Niacin. You should have your blood pressure checked to be sure.

What are the reasons for blood stains while sneezing?

The reasons for blood stains when sneezing could be caused by broken blood vessels. Dry skin can also cause your nose to bleed in dry weather.

What are the blood type for father with blood type A and mother with blood type B?

My elder sister have blood type AB, myself having blood type A and my younger brother having blood type O.

What are the dangers of having a blood clot?

There are several dangers of having a blood clot. Examples of dangers of having a blood clot include blocking flow to organs and blocking flow to tissues in the body.

What are the risks of having O-negative blood?

Having a specific blood type does not elevate the level of any risk.

What causes pressure behind the eyes?

high blood pressue, glacouma