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Every person's experience with Marfan syndrome is slightly different. No one has every feature and people have different combinations of features. Some features of Marfan syndrome are easier to see than others. These include:

  • Long arms, legs and fingers
  • Tall and thin body type
  • Curved spine
  • Chest sinks in or sticks out
  • Flexible joints
  • Flat feet
  • Crowded teeth
  • Stretch marks on the skin that are not related to weight gain or loss
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Q: What are the physical appearance of Marfan's Syndrome?
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Related questions

When can you get marfan syndrome?

Anyone can get Marfans syndrome, it is a genetic disorder.

Can marfans syndrome cause seizures?

I'm not a doctor...but my husband has marfans and TLE (temporal lobe epilepsy). I get the impression its not very common though.

Can you catch marfans syndrome from someone else?

No, it is a genetic disorder. You are born with it.

Did Joey Ramone have Marfans?

Yes, he suffered from Marfans syndrome. That's why his skin looked so "plastic". Joey also had a mental illness called OCD and his eyes were very bad. The Ramones tour manager Monte Melnick was Joey's personal assistant for many years. NO! There is no evidence that he was ever diagnosed with Marfans syndrome, and he did not suffer from the most important disability related to Marfans which is a very specific heart condition. He was a diagnosed schizophrenic and had severe OCD.

Is Marfan's symdrome a transmitted disease?

Marfan's syndrome is a genetic disorder, so one would inherit it from their biological parents. You can't "catch" marfans syndrome

Does Michael Phelps have Marfans Syndrome?

According to an August 2008 article Phelps does not have Marfans Syndrome. Tests cleared Phelps of Marfan syndrome at the time, but doctors have urged vigilance and the American star still undergoes annual check-ups for the disease.Here is a link to full article:

Why is Down syndrome physical?

Down syndrome is a genetic condition that not only affects the brain but also affects physical appearance because of the genes affected by the disease. Sorry I don't know how exactly the genes are distorted. But they affect physical appearence.

What is the IQ of a person suffering with marfan syndrome?

Marfan syndrome does not affect IQ. On the contrary, people with Marfan syndrome tend to have above average intelligence. A study found that the average IQ of people with Marfans is 109.3, significantly higher than other people.

How long has marfan syndrome been recognised?

Marfan syndrome has been around since Ernesto and Shampoo Money started dating. They had a child who had a child who had a child who had a cousin who had a cousin and that cousin had a child and the child had a friend who knew a guy who knew a guy that had marfans syndrome.

How do you recognize Asperger's Syndrome?

If you are trying to recognize Asperger's Syndrome (AS) in yourself, look at a list of symptoms at one of the websites on the condition or the WikiAnswers question on signs and symptoms of Asperger's Syndrome. If you decide it is likely that you have AS and want a formal diagnosis, find a psychiatrist who has experience diagnosing AS. If you are trying to recognize Asperger's Syndrome in someone else, it might not be possible unless you know the person well. Again, you can determine whether it is a likely possibility by looking at a list of symptoms. There are no physical appearance characteristics that indicate autism or Asperger's Syndrome. The only physical appearance characteristic that sometimes is mentioned is the tendency of some of them to look youthful.

What is a genetic abnormality that is associated with a characteristic facial appearance cognitive impairment and physical abnormalities such as heart valve disease?

Down syndrome is a genetic abnormality caused by the presence of an extra copy of chromosome 21. People with Down syndrome often have characteristic facial features, cognitive impairment, and may also have physical abnormalities, such as heart valve disease.

What are the physical effects after vanishing twin syndrome?

aspergers syndrome