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Lungs, heart and throat

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Q: What are the organs of the Respritory System?
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What are the major organs of the respritory system?

i only know of two and they are the lung and trachea.

What is the respritory system?

the respritory system rules !

The organs involved in the respritory system?

The respiratory system is vategorized into two: the upper and the lower. The upper organs include the nose, wind pipe, the larynx and pharynx. The lower includes the lungs and the accessory muscles like the diaphragm.

What system is a frogs nostril in?


What gas was used in the gas attacks in world war 1?

Cl gas = it is clorine gas it affects the respritory system and then eats away at your internal organs

What is the function of the respritory system?

oxiginating the blood (it makes you breathe)

How does the respritory system interact with other body systems?


What would happen if your respritory system were damgaed?

failed you couldn't breath

Would you die if your respiratory system failed?

Yes, if your respritory system failed you couldn't breath.

What is the job of the respritory system?

the respiratory system passes the air you breathe into the lungs for gas exchange .

Does the respritory system help the digestive system in some way?

Yes, the respiratory system provides oxygen to the digestive system.

What disease is TB?

Tuberculosis is a deadly disease of the respritory system that is slightly contagious.