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Possible symptoms include: * Chest pain * Dizziness or light-headedness (especially when standing up or with exertion) * Fatigue or lack of energy * Headaches * Problems concentrating * Shortness of breath (especially during exercise) Some types of anemia may have other symptoms, such as: * Constipation * Problems thinking * Tingling

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Q: What are the main symptoms of anaemia?
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Can not taking your iron cause shortness of breath if you're anemic?

Shortness of breath is one of the main symptoms of anaemia. So, in short, yes it can.

What are some symptoms of anaemia?

lethergy,low haemoglobin

How do you diagnose anaemia?

Anaemia will usually first be suspected by a doctor from the history the person gives and the symptoms they are experiencing. There are many different types of anaemia, each with different causes. The main causes however are iron deficiency or excessive blood loss. The doctor may therefore ask about the persons diet (to determine if there is possible iron deficiency in the diet) or menstrual cycle in women (to determine if there is excessive bleeding). The doctor will also look for signs and symptoms such as pale skin, tiredness/weakness, dizziness and headaches. If anaemia is suspected from the symptoms and history, then a blood test will usually be done to confirm it. Testing the red cell count and haemoglobin levels will help determine the severity and the cause of anaemia and looking at the characteristics of the red cells such as the size, colour and shape can help to determine the cause.

What is dimorphic anaemia?

iron deficiency anaemia with nomocytic macrocytic anaemia

Can mosquito's cause anemia?

Mosquitoes don't cause anaemia, but they do carry the malaria parasite which can cause anaemia. Therefore, if you are bitten by a mosquito that is carrying malaria and get infected, you may develop anaemia (with other symptoms of malaria).

What are the major signs of anaemia?

The main one is extreme tiredness, reduced exercise tolerence, anaemia can make you pale, give you palpitations and if you pull down your lower eye lid and look in a mirror the inside of your eyelid should be nice and red, with anaemia it isn't it will be pinkish and quite pale.

Do anti tuberculosis drugs cause anaemia?

There are many different antituberculosis drugs available. A lot of them do cause anaemia as a side effect, although some of them do not. Depending on how each drug works, the type of anaemia it causes varies. Some antituberculosis drugs that cause anaemia as a side effect are: * Cycloserine - megaloblastic anaemia * Isoniazid - haemolytic anaemia or aplastic anaemia * Pyrazinamide - sideroblastic anaemia * Rifampicin - haemolytic anaemia

Signs and symptoms of bilharzia include?

Sign and symptoms include: Bloody diarrhoea Digestive system: Bloody diarrhoea, Abdominal pain, anaemia. Severe Infection can cause narrowing of rectum or colon and liver scarring

What are the symptoms of alcer?

I think you mean 'ulcer'. Symptoms: epigastric pain, general loss of well-being, feeling indigestion/hunger/heartburn, appetite loss, weight loss, anaemia, vomiting, blood in stool

What is an erythrocyte test used for?

it is used for anaemia and type of anaemia extra.

Why reticulocyte is increase in haemolytic anaemia?

Why reticulocyte is increase in haemolytic anaemia?

Can you die from anaemia?

yes, we can die from anaemia if haemoglobin becomes very low.