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Eating a lot of fatty foods can lead to atherosclerosis, but so can smoking, a fatty diet, lack of exercise and a family history that includes heart problems, according to the American Heart Association's Web site on the topic. For more info, see:

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Q: What are the main reasons for artery blockage?
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What indicates a need for surgery in cases of coronary artery disease?

A finding of significant narrowing of the left main coronary artery and/or blockage or severe narrowing in the high, left anterior descending coronary artery.

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Why does death of heart muscle cells happen?

Many reasons - but most commonly due to a lack of oxygen secondary to blockage of a coronary artery.

What will happen if the fat block the coronary artery?

Blockage of the coronary artery will result in a heart attack.

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The left main coronary artery supplies blood to the left side of the heart, including the left ventricle and the left atrium. It is a critical artery for maintaining efficient blood flow and oxygen delivery to the heart muscle. Any blockage or narrowing of the left main coronary artery can lead to serious heart problems.

Is artery blockage the leading cause of heart attacks?

Yes, artery blockage is the leading cause of heart attacks in individuals. There are other risk factors that you should be aware about as well.

What if there is a blockage is the coronary artery?

A total blockage will cause the heart to stop from oxygen depletion, resulting in heartattack, and death.

How do you spell arterial blockage?

That is the correct spelling of "arterial blockage".The medical term is thrombosis when it is caused by a blood clot. The condition atherosclerosis is the narrowing of an artery caused by the thickening of the artery wall (as by cholesterol).

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