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Have illusions and hallucinations The effects of LSD strongly depend on the mental state of the user and the circumstances in which the drug is used. Therefore, the same dose can produce good and bad 'trips' in the same person, depending on the circumstances in which the drug is used. The sought-after effects of LSD are - * changes in mood an sensory perception; * 'mind expansion' as a key to quasi-religious transcendental experiences; and * effects similar to those associated with Ecstasy-type substances: feelings of empathy and increased sociability. The possible short-term effects of LSD are - * a distorted perception of depth, time, and the size and shape of objects; * hallucinations (that is, stationary objects appear to be moving) (Generally the user knows that these effects are unreal; true hallucinations are relatively rare.); * heightened senses (sight, sound and touch); * psychological or emotional effects such as anxiety, depression, dizziness, disorientation and paranoia; * physical effects such as dilated pupils, lowered body temperature, nausea, vomiting, profuse sweating, rapid heart rate; and convulsions; LSD use increases a person's risk of injury, especially when the person drives a car, or performs other complex tasks such as operating machinery. The possible long-term effects of LSD are - * a growing tolerance to the drug, which disappears quickly after use of the drug is stopped; * flashbacks (that is, short-lived, intense re-experiences of part of a previous trip) which can occur days or even months after the last dose has been taken, leading to disorientation, anxiety and distress;and * prolonged anxiety and depression after use of the drug is stopped. The physical dangers of the long-term LSD use are unknown. Source:

It is usually a sensation of instability. most of the time things will move or talk when they are not supposed to. Like a couch or a backyard full of trees. If you take to much it isn't fun and dangerous things can happen like death. . * ** Trips can heighten the mood you're already in. * Colour, sound and objects can get distorted and you can experience double vision. * Trips can heighten the mood you're already in. LSD can be very theraputic

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16y ago

Long, term -- cancer. You get a condition calle Barrett's esophogus, in which your esophogal tissues basically turn into intestinal tissues. Barrett's esophogus is a high risk factor for developing esophogeal cancer, a very deadly kind of cancer.

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12y ago

LSD is known to produce hallucinations even years after it has been consumed; these are known as flashbacks.

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Q: What are the long term effects of acid reflux disease?
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Can acid reflux kill you in your sleep?

Acid reflux can cause cancer of the throat if it is severe and left untreated for a long period of time. The disease itself will not kill you in your sleep.

Can acid reflux actually damage your esophagus?

If left untreated for a long period of time, the acid produced in severe cases of acid reflux (also known as GERD, or gastroesophageal reflux disease) can damage the soft tissue inside the throat and the esophagus. For more information, here is a great resource:

What are three disorders of the digestive system?

3 digestive disorders are acid reflux, ulcers, and barret's esophagus to name a few. Acid reflux, commonly known as heart burn, is caused by the acidic contents of the stomach moving up into the esophagus. Ulcers are often caused by the bacteria H. pylori, and is treated with antibiotic medication. Ulcers may also be caused by stress. Barret's esophagus is caused by long term acid reflux, where the acid changes the composition of the cellular lining of the esophagus.

What does acid reflux diet means?

Acid reflux disease is a medical condition that causes chronic heartburn and regurgitation. It can be treated with dietary changes such as eating smaller meals and meals with low fat and high protein content. The benefit of treating the condition with a diet change are that it removes the need for long term medication.

What does ultrazole medicine used for?

Ultrazole is a type of medicine that is used to prevent and treat symptoms of stomach ulcers, acid reflux, and gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD). It works by decreasing the production of acid in the stomach to relieve symptoms such as heartburn, stomach pain, and acid indigestion.

How long do the Side effects of metronidazole last?

I was on metronidazole for 10 days for a tooth infection. I stopped taking it 11 days ago and still am suffering from the side effects. It has given me severe around the clock acid reflux and so far it isn't going away.

What are the risk factors for esophageal cancer?

Use of tobacco. The highest risk for esophageal cancer is the combination of smoking and heavy alcohol use. Abuse of alcohol. Barrett's esophagus as a result of long-term acid reflux disease.

Is a CAT scan done for acid reflux complaint?

This is not done as a routine investigation for reflux. However long standing and large hiatus hernia associated with reflux may require a CT scan for proper assessment, if Surgery is contemplated .

is it safe to add an acid reflux diet to a weight loss diet?

Yes, you may add an acid reflux diet into your weight loss diet, as long as you maintain your minimum required daily calorie intake and eat a variety of fruits, vegetables, nuts, and whole grains.

The Challange Of Acid Reflux?

Acid reflux occurs when stomach acid flows back into the esophagus, causing symptoms like heartburn and regurgitation. Lifestyle changes like avoiding trigger foods, eating smaller meals, and raising the head of the bed can help manage symptoms. In severe cases, medications or surgery may be necessary to treat acid reflux.

How To Create an Acid Reflux Treatment at Home?

Acid reflux is something that’s extremely common but it’s not too enjoyable for the people that do have to deal with it. Medication for acid reflux can be expensive, and some people may have to be on it permanently or for a long period of time. These are several suggestions for effectively treating acid reflux, and going on with your daily life. Of course these are not miracle remedies, and some of them may not even work for you at all. However, if you’re experiencing worsened symptoms, or if you experience them quite often, consulting a physician may be a good idea. Drinking a Glass of Milk Lots of people can vouch for milk treating acid reflux. The treatment is almost instantaneous, and the temperature of the milk also soothes the throat and chest. Drinking Water Usually, drinking water dilutes the stomach acid that is causing you such turmoil. It helps to wash down anything else that is bothering you, and drinking one or two large glasses directly after your meal will help to prevent and stop heartburn or acid reflux. Eating Almonds Some people have claimed that almonds can work wonders for acid reflux. A person with acid reflux will chew a few in the morning and maybe a few after dinner, and they have been said to dramatically improve the symptoms of acid reflux. Chamomile Chamomile provides soothing effects that have been said to help treat acid reflux. The drink is not meant to be drunk like a normal liquid. It should be slowly sipped, and the temperature should not be too warm or too cold. Eating Apples Apples have also been said to alleviate acid reflux symptoms. Eating an organic apple after a meal has been said to work wonders with calming and preventing acid reflux symptoms. Candied Ginger Chewing a piece of candied ginger will help to fight the acid reflux symptoms once they begin to kick in. If you’re not too keen on ginger, you can let a piece sit, soften and disperse in a glass of tea before drinking. Using Apple Cider Vinegar If you’re experiencing feisty symptoms of acid reflux, swallow a few table spoons of apple cider vinegar to calm things down. It can also be dissolved in a glass of warm water to help prevent future symptoms.

How long does zantax stay in your system?

Zantac stays in the system for a total of 3 hours. Another name for this drug is Ranitidine which is prescribed for people with gastroesophageal reflux disease and peptic ulcer disease.