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I depends what you're trying to achieve in your communication, how severely affected by whatever mental illness that person has, and also just your personalities and how you would naturally interact with them. When you call somebody "mentally disturbed', you are in fact putting that person in a box as big as India. The spectrum for mental illness is huge. Each disorder is completely different, each person reacts differently to that disorder (or be in different stages of it) and then on top of that there are varying degrees in which people are affected (med-mild) etc. For example - 'a mentally disturbed person' could be a bright 25 year old female lawyer, who has bibolar disorder, and is currently having a severe bout of psychotic manic...she is aggressive, dismissive, and can not finish a sentence before starting another one. Another 'mentally disturbed' person might be a 79 year old man with depression... or your mate that likes to colour code all her MM's, in which case I doubt there would be limitations in dealing with that person. End of the day, mental health is on a spectrum. A very large one. So really, you need to specify what you are looking for, how you intend to deal with them and in what situation. Because they're all different. I spent 6 years speaking to mental health patients in crisis (over the phone) with very little knowledge on the subject itself. Then I ended up with Bipolar disorder myself and experienced it myself. AALLL the craziness. So I know how people dealt with me, what I liked and what I didn't like. And then I've obviously talked to more since, with a different perspective. Most of the time, once you have worked out that someone is mentally ill based on their behaviour, you try and keep it as normal and polite as possible. These people aren't in their right state of mind and are often unstable. So therefore keep yourself safe. I'm obviously referring to people in psych wards... elsewhere, could be different. All the best, sorry about the novel.

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Q: What are the limitations in dealing with a mentally disturbed people?
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