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Jaundice from the accumulation of bile and nutritional deficiencies-bruising from lack of vitamin K, bone pain from lack of vitamin D, night blindness from lack of vitamin A, and skin rashes, lack of vitamin E.

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Q: What are the later symptoms of primary biliary cirrhosis?
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Is there a Link between gallbladder removal and primary biliary cirrhosis?

this is not an answer, but another person looking for that answer. I have a sister who had her gallbladder removed then years later developed PBC ,but her twin sister didnt have her gallbladder removed and doesnt have PBC

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The stages of liver disease typically include inflammation, fibrosis (scarring of the liver tissue), cirrhosis (advanced scarring that can lead to liver failure), and liver cancer. These stages can progress over time if the underlying cause of liver damage is not addressed. Treatment and lifestyle changes can help manage liver disease and prevent progression to later stages.

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Around 60 to 90 days though signs can show earlier or later. Few cases have reported showing symptoms up to a year later.

Can a person have esophageal spasms first then later on get Crohns disease?

Crohns symptoms can occur from mouth to anus. It is likely the original esophageal spasms were symptoms of Crohns disease that were undiagnosed until later.

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Symptoms that mimic multiple sclerosis , or may display symptoms similar to the juvenile form of the disease, except with later onset and slower progression.

1-2 weeks pregnant what are the signs?

There are not any symptoms this early. The earliest you would get symptoms is 2 weeks. Most people don't get symptoms until later than that though.

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