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In general the Kinesthetic senses involve sense of awareness of touch and body. The kinesthetic sense, provides the parietal cortex of the brain with information on the relative positions of the parts of the body. (Neurologists test this sense by telling patients to close their eyes and touch their own nose with the tip of a finger.) Assuming proper proprioceptive function, at no time will the person lose awareness of where the hand actually is, even though it is not being detected by any of the other senses.

Kinesthetic learners are said to be ones who learn by a hands on approach.

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Q: What are the kinesthetic senses concerned with?
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The kinesthetic senses are concerned with?

Movement of body

What is kinesthetic awareness?

Kinesthetic awareness is how well you detect being touched by something. For example, can you feel the clothes you are wearing? If you do, then you have stellar kinesthetic awareness. If not, there is a good chance that you have increased awareness in other senses, such as visual awareness, or how well you detect movement in your field of vision.

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How do you write a sentence with the word kinesthetic?

He is a kinesthetic learner.

For reasons do experiments and demonstrations help kinesthetic learners?

Experiments and demonstrations engage kinesthetic learners by allowing them to learn through hands-on experiences and physical interactions. This approach helps them better understand concepts by actively engaging their senses and body movements, which enhances their learning process. Additionally, experiments and demonstrations provide kinesthetic learners with real-world applications of theoretical knowledge, making learning more meaningful and memorable for them.

What school targets bodily-kinesthetic intelligence?

A school that targets bodily-kinesthetic intelligence would focus on hands-on and experiential learning activities that engage the body and senses. This could include activities like sports, dance, drama, or hands-on projects that involve physical movement and coordination to help students learn and understand concepts better.

What are kinesthetic images?

In poetry, kinesthetic imagery is a type of imagery that has to do with the movement of muscles or joints.

How many senses are there?

We have 7 senses. Sight Hearing Smell Taste Touch The other two are the VESTIBULAR and the KINESTHETIC The Kinesthetic sense lets us know what position our body is in. For instance, if you were in a dark room and held up five fingers, without seeing them, you would know you are holding up five fingers. The Vestibular sense lets us know what direction we are facing (upside down or right-side up). For instance, if you are hanging upside down, your body knows that by the vestibular fluids running up to your head (the sensation of "blood rushing to your head").

Is there a difference between kinesthetic and kinaesthetic?

No, there is no difference between "kinesthetic" and "kinaesthetic." Both spellings refer to the ability to sense body position and movement.

What are the six senses in your body?

well, there r ur basic 5 :sight, smell, taste, touch and hearing but the sixth one is something like a future telling thing. its a sense that u can predict things with sort of.

What are the types of imagery?

The types of imagery are visual imagery (related to sight), auditory imagery (related to sound), olfactory imagery (related to smell), gustatory imagery (related to taste), tactile imagery (related to touch), and kinesthetic imagery (related to movement).

Which of these is the learning strategy for kinesthetic learners to follow?

A kinesthetic learner should stand up and move around while studying.