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clindamycine and tretinoin

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Q: What are the ingredients of acdermin gel?
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Which company make acdermin gel?

Atco lab pakistan

Is acdermin gel good for acne?

Yes...I had a really bad condition of my face full of acne..I used acdermin gel for a month and the result was outstanding..

What are the ingredients in hair gel?

sodiam hydroxide

Ingredients of hair gel?

sodiam hydroxide

What ingredients are in hair gel?

sodiam hydroxide

What ingredients in hair gel makes your hair white?

There are no ingredients in hair gel that can cause a person's hair to turn white. The loss of melanin or genetic defects are things that can cause it to turn grey or white.

What makes hair gel sticky?

Hair gel contains ingredients like polymers and resins that create a film on the hair shaft when applied. This film hardens as the gel dries, providing hold and structure to the hair. The stickiness of hair gel comes from these ingredients adhering to the hair and creating a firm grip.

What are the active ingredients in Fentanyl gel patches?

Just Fentanyl itself - the rest is a gel suspension that allows for timed release of the patch dosage.

How is shower gel made?

Shower gel is typically made by combining water, surfactants (cleansing agents), thickeners, emollients (moisturizers), fragrances, and other ingredients in a manufacturing process. The ingredients are mixed, heated, and cooled to create a uniform and stable product. Additional ingredients like preservatives and colors may also be added before packaging the shower gel for sale.

Ingredients in hair gel?

Well there can be many ingredients in hair gel. You can find them by going places, but don't travel too far. You can find hair gel at your local drugstores, like CVS and Walgreens. the ingredients will always be on the back, but in order to give exact ingredients, I would have to have an exact hairgel, and if you had went out and looked at it to buy it the ingredients are already there on the back. Almost every brand of hair gel has different ingredients, so it's hard to tell. Check and look online for some you like, read some reviews, and look for them in a local place. Ingredient finding wont be so hard once you narrow it down to some you like in a place you can find easy. Hope that helped :D

Where does gel lie on the pH scale?

Gel does not have a pH level, as it is a physical substance and not a chemical solution. However, certain gels may contain ingredients that can affect pH levels if they are in a liquid form.

What are the ingredients in nail art glue?

Glue, water, flour, and maybe a little article gel .