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A "good" mental health, means a balance in his or her social, emotional and psychological areas of life.

Also mental health can affect physical health whenever someone is feeling a negitve emotion

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13y ago
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15y ago

If you think, feel and act positive and act responsibly in your work and relationships with others, then you are probably experiencing good mental health. We all have periods in our lives when we feel wonderful and when we feel down. That is normal but when you continue to have long periods of negativity or fear, then that's the time to seek help. There is much stress everywhere in the world and each one of us will act differently to the stress. When you feel stressed out, you have several options on how to handle the stress. You can let it get to you and feel negative and down or can learn how to cope better with the stress such as getting some physical exercise, talking to someone who will listen to your concerns, get some extra sleep and take time for yourself--such as reading, biking, gardening or fishing and hunting. Good mental health is wonderful to have and most of the time it is up to the person--to choose a positive state of mind. Getting a good education certainly can help one to feel better about himself or herself. So, if you are not experiencing good mental health, seek some of the aforementioned ways and soon you will be feeling better!

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12y ago

Does anyone really know what the answer is because it doesnt sound very important

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12y ago

If you are mentally healty, that's good. If you're mentally inhealty, that's bad

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There are a number of signs of good mental health. These include socially appropriate behavior, seeming in good spirits, and mental lucidity.

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With good mental health, someone can make prudent decisions which are for the good of himself and everyone else that the decision involves. Proper mental health means that someone is not depressed, insane or always plotting harmful events.

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not technically they could still get the flu or a simple cold. even if they do have good mental health.

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