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Multiple partners , sharing needles, blood transfusion, men having sex with men.

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Q: What are the four major risk factors involved in contracting aids?
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Related questions

How can you protect yourself from contracting AIDS?

no sex

Will you get AIDS if you a girl?

Yes whether boy or girl you still have a chance of contracting AIDS.

What are the hazards of the endotracheal tube?

it can increase your risk of contracting AIDS

What age group is in the most jeopardy of contracting aids?

55 to 79

What is the best preventative method to avoid contracting this infection of AIDS?

Don't have sex.

Can you have AIDS symptoms 6 months afetr infection?

AIDS or HIV is a latent disease. It can show up years after contracting the disease.

What form of contracting AIDS has been made almost rare in this country?

blood transfusions

How can a gay person get AIDS?

A gay person can get AIDS in exactly the same way that a straight person can get AIDS: by contracting the HIV virus, usually through sex with an infected person or by using infected needles.

Those with AIDS are vulnerable to contracting meningitis from what sources?

Patients with AIDS (acquired immune deficiency syndrome) are more prone to getting meningitis from fungi, as well as from the agent that causes tuberculosis.

By weraing condams can you become totally safe and there are no chances of AIDS?

The only way to be totally safe from contracting an STD is abstinence.

What organ system is most involved in aids?


How long after contracting HIV did tom hanks find out that he had the virus?

Tom does not have HIV. The character he played in the film "Philadelphia" had HIV, then died of AIDS.