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According to Daniel Goleman, the five components of emotional intelligence are:

Self-awareness - It includes understanding yourself, understanding your moods, and understanding how your moods affect others. It means being able to monitor your own internal state and being able to accurately identify your emotions at any given time. It may come out as self-confidence and a self-deprecating sense of humor.

Self-regulation - That is the ability to redirect or control disruptive moods. A person with this can have integrity, be trustworthy, and be open to change.

Internal Motivation - That means having internal reasons for wanting to do things, not just doing things for what you get from others. This includes things like curiosity, a sense of joy from doing certain things, being optimistic, and having a desire to achieve.

Empathy - Being able to understand the emotions of others and treating them appropriately in regards to their emotional reactions.

Social Skills - That includes things like being able to initiate change and exhibit leadership, as well as finding a common ground with others.

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