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Trait name: Adjective Descriptions

Conscientiousness: Organized/Unorganized, Responsible/Irresponsible, Hardworking/Lazy

Agreeableness: Easy going/Uptight, Works better with others/Works better alone

Neuroticism: Consistent mood/Unstable mood

Openness: Creative/Logical, Curious/Satisfied, Likes to try new things/Likes routine

Extroversion: Out going/Reserved, Loud/Quiet

Tip: Use CANOE to remember the big five!

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14y ago

The five dispositional traits can be remembered with the acronym OCEAN. They are: Openess to experience, Conscientiousness, Extraversion, Agreeableness, and Neuroticism.

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Q: What are the five basic dispositional traits?
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One possible acronym is OCEAN, which stands for Openness, Conscientiousness, Extroversion, Agreeableness, and Neuroticism - the five traits that make up the Big Five personality traits.

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The answer is the traits think of the traits like the hair and the eyes and the skin color.