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The duodenum. In fact, it's the first 12 inches of the small testines, not 10.

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Q: What are the first ten inches of the small intestines called?
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Related questions

What is the name of the 10 first inches of the small intestines?

Duodenum is the correct answer.

Where are intestines in your body?

Most of the small intestine is located in the abdominal cavity. A small amount (approximately the first 10 inches or so) is located behind the abdominal cavity, in what is called the retroperitoneal space. Roughly speaking, the small intestine is framed or bordered by the large intestine. The small intestine is part of the digestive tract and located in the stomach.

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they are called villi

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The omentum.

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Is the first part of the small intestines the duodenum?


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What is the Membrane that connects parts of the small intestines?

The membrane that connects parts of the small intestines is called the mesentery. It provides support and helps anchor the intestines to the abdominal wall, allowing for blood vessels, nerves, and lymphatics to reach the intestines.

What is the name of the structure called where the small and large intestine meet?

small intestines makes the transition to the large intestines here through what is called the ileocecal valve.