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Q: What are the energy levels of heart disease?
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Related questions

How do CRP levels compare with cholesterol levels as predictors of heart disease?

In fact, the studies indicated CRP levels may be as important--if not more important--in predicting and preventing heart disease as cholesterol levels are.

What raises homocysteine levels?

Frequently the cause is heart disease.

Does your heart rate change your energy levels?

Yes, your heart rate will change your energy levels in many different ways. If you are working out you will have a higher heart rate and this will cause you to be tired after you work out.

What are the heart disease fitness levels?

Well .......................................... hi and I think you are nice

What connection is there between high-levels of inflammatory markers such as C-reactive protein and heart disease?

There is an association between elevated levels of inflammatory markers (including CRP) and the future development of heart disease.

Is heart attack a disease?

No, it's the effect of a disease. ( High blood pressure, high cholesterol levels...etc)

What are the problems caused when containing high levels of cholesterol and salt?

Heart disease

Do triglycerides cause heart disease?

In the human body, high levels of triglycerides in the bloodstream have been linked to atherosclerosis, and, by extension, the risk of heart disease and stroke.

What chronic disease is at epidemic levels?

Obesity ... which predisposes individuals to diabetes, sleep apnea, heart disease, degenerative joint disease and many others.

How can a doctor use CRP levels to assess further risk to a patient who already has heart disease?

In patients already suffering from heart disease, doctors can use CRP levels to determine which patients are at high risk for recurring coronary events.

How does pyridoxine lower the risk of developing heart disease?

In conjunction with folic acid and cobalamin, it acts to reduce homocysteine levels, thus lowering the risk of developing heart disease .

What should the normal cholesterol levels be?

Normal total cholesterol is below 200 mg, and normal LDL cholesterol is in the 100-129 range if you aren't at risk of heart disease. LDL levels will need to be lower if you have heart disease risk factors.