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Our spinal cord protects the nerves that send messages to the brain. It is made up of a series of connected bones or vertebrae. These vertebrae are stacked on top of each other forming an ‘S’ shape with the curve being the most at the neck and in the lower back. Each vertebra has a disc between them which acts as a shock absorber. Unfortunately, though there are situations where the spine can be injured and needs surgery.

Sometimes the spinal cord narrows either due to aging, the presence of an underlying spinal condition, or because some people are born with a congenital form. The narrowing of the spinal cord is called Spinal Stenosis. When this happens, the nerves traveling through the spinal canal are pressurized. While there is no cure for Spinal Stenosis, there are several ways to manage the pain, including spine fixation treatments.

Ranka Hospital, Pune provides treatment and facilities for spine problems.

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Tushar Saxena

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3y ago
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10y ago

Spinal stenosis is caused by a number of different factors. Spinal stenosis is a narrowing of the spaces in the spine where the spinal cord travels through. Spinal stenosis is most commonly caused by old age and the general wear and tear from age.

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10y ago

Spinal stenosis is a narrowing of the spinal column or openings which puts pressure on the spinal cord or spinal nerves. It is caused by the aging process, Arthritis, or herniated discs.

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13y ago

Symptoms of spinal stenosis are numbness and weakness. Beware of these side effects and get yourself checked immediately if you feel that there is a problem.

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11y ago

Tho most common causes of stenosis are overgrowth of bone, herniated disks, thickened ligaments, tumors and sometimes spinal injuries. One should always take this serious.

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Is lumbar spinal stenosis less severe than cervical spinal stenosis?

The difference between lumbar spinal stenosis and cervical spinal stenosis is mainly the location of the problem. however, between the two lumbar spinal stenosis is the more severe form of stenosis.

Is Spinal degeneration the same as spinal stenosis?

No. Spinal stenosis a condition where the spinal canal narrows and compresses the spinal cord and nerves. Spinal degeneration is a natural process that occurs as we age and it often the causeof spinal stenosis.

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Get the best spinal stenosis surgery in Lucknow. Dr Ashish Jain spinal stenosis surgeon in Lucknow. Back & Neck Clinic utilizes the latest technology to provide personalized and comprehensive care spinal stenosis surgery.

Can spinal decompression help the effects of spinal stenosis?

Absolutely... As long as permanent cord damage has not already occurred... But you should always consider ALL the ramifications of spinal surgery with your surgeon.

The stenosis in spinal stenosis refers to an abnormal condition of?


What back injuries can be treated by spinal stenosis surgery?

Spinal stenosis is not back pain, but it can be a cause of back pain. Stenosis implies narrowing of the spinal canal because of thickened pedicles, or hypertrophied ligaments, or a disk bulge, or a tumor, etc. Sometimes this can cause pain if it aggravates pain-generating structures within or around the spinal canal.

What is the definition of cervical stenosis?

Cervical stenosis is a condition in which the spinal canal is too small for the spinal cord and nerve roots. This can cause damage to the spinal cord.

Is ligamentum flavum and facet hypertrophy the same as spinal stenosis?

They can be the contributors to the stenosis.

What is spinal stenosis and where can i find info about it?

No, you can have surgery to fix it. Severe cases of stenosis often require surgery. The goal of the surgery is to relieve pressure on the spinal cord or spinal nerve by widening the spinal canal.

Laser Surgery for Spinal Stenosis. Where is this done.?

is there drs in Ga that does the laser orocedure for spinal stenosis

What is focal spinal stenosis?

Focal spinal stenosis is a condition that happens with the aging of the human body. It is the progressive narrowing of the spinal canal which can lead to disc herniation and degenerative diseases.

Where can i find out exercizes i can do to help with spinal stenosis?

You can find exercises to help with this condition on a number of websites. Try checking out,, and