Difficulty with breathing and talkingType your answer here...
difficulty breathing
Emphysema causes a higher breathing rate. A person with emphysema can be "air hungry" even when getting external oxygen by mask or cannula.
It reduces the surface area because it reduces the number of alveolar sacs in a persons lungs.
Some ways to treat severe emphysema is to take periodic breathing treatments. They open up the airways to make breathing more comfortable and easier. You can also enroll in a pulmonary rehabilitation program, which they will help watch your breathing while you're doing physical activities.
Smoking can cause emphysema, heart disease, and cancer.
Asthma, Bronchitis, Emphysema and Pheumonia all affect the respiraty system ...
Emphysema is a disease of the lungs that makes breathing very difficult. It is caused by excessive inflation of the alveoli.
Breathing sea air can potentially have both positive and negative effects on emphysema. The salty and humid air may help clear airways and improve breathing for some individuals, while for others, the coolness and moisture in sea air may trigger irritation and worsen symptoms. It is important for individuals with emphysema to consult with their healthcare provider before exposing themselves to different environments, including sea air.