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Post traumatic stress disorder is common among soldiers because of the times of their lives where soldiers saw or did things that were disturbing to them. Soldiers come back from fighting and will always remember the things that they did/saw, which may give them night terrors, flashbacks, and other symptoms of post traumatic stress disorder.

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Q: What are the effects of PTSD for some one in the military?
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Related questions

What were the psychological effects of World War one?

Many believe that WWI is when post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) first was seen.

Where can one learn how to function after being diagnosed with PTSD?

On the NAMI website one can learn many things about PTSD and can help one overcome the disorder and provide steps to cope with dealing with PTSD. Your local GP can also help you learn how to function after being diagnosed with PTSD.

What are some symptoms of PTSD?

There are several different symptoms of PTSD. PTSD, or Post Traumatic Stress Disorder, can happen when a person experiences a traumatic event. Some symptoms of this can be, reliving the experience of the trauma over and over, avoiding anything that may remind one of the trauma, or being overly anxious and emotional.

My Husband has ptsd. why does this lead him to have multiple affairs?

There's no correlation between the two. That said, if he is self-medicating his PTSD with alcohol, or another drug that acts as a dis-inhibitor, then there would be a likely increase in behavior that is impulsive or inappropriate.

Which one of these afflictions was ignored by the veterans administration for a long time?

Post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD)-Apex

Is there more than one accepted ptsd treatment?

There are indeed more than one accepted ptsd treatment. You may try more than one or combined treatments for children and adults. These kinds of therapy can be used with more problems than just ptsd.

What are some common symptoms of PTSD?

Common symptoms of PTSD include flashbacks or intrusive thoughts related to the traumatic event, avoidance of situations that remind the individual of the trauma, hyperarousal (such as exaggerated startle response or difficulty sleeping), negative changes in mood and thoughts, and feelings of numbness or detachment.

Where can one watch videos of the military?

Videos of the military can be watched on several websites. Some sites are dedicated to the military include Go Army and Military. Other sites that one can watch military videos include Break and YouTube.

what are some military vehicle parts?

Some Military vehicle parts are belts, flare boxes and fuel pumps. One can find more information different kinds of Military vehicle parts at Military Supply Parts and Generation Jeep, one can also seek information at one's local library.

What are the outcome of military interventions in Arican politics?

There are many different causes and different effects. To answer this effectively, one would have to consider each conflict separately

How wartime affected soldiers on both sides?

Many men and women in all branches of the military return home with Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD). This means that the extreme situations they witnessed or were a part of were beyond the normal range of one's ability to cope.

Is post traumatic stress disorder considered a disability?

Yes, although it's a psychological disorder, if it's one that effects a person's overall ability to function normally in society, and carry out day to day activites, then PTSD can be classified as a legal & legitimate disability.