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The earliest indicator is an elevated PSA level. Men over the age of 50 should get their PSA and prostate checked yearly. Men with a history of prostate cancer in their family should start getting checked after the age of 40.

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Q: What are the early indications of prostrate cancer?
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Common site for cancer in men?

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Can dogs get prostrate cancer?

Un-neutered dogs can indeed develop prostrate cancer.

Do you think taking out sperms causes any cancer?

I assume you mean that "Do you think masturbating to ejaculate sperm causes cancer" Then the answer is no, it doesn't. As a matter of fact there is research out today that suggests the risk of prostrate cancer is reduces as a result of masturbation at an early age.

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Mabo was diagnose with cancer in his spine which later spread to his lungs.

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I want to start to have on the preheath examination a blood test like the prostrate cancer, but it would be for the colon and pancreatic cancer, all the silent killers of cancer, they pull the blood for prostrate, why can't they have these others checked too, they spend so much money keeping people alive and going thru torture when it is too late, the ending if inhuman, when if we can find these cancers early thru just a simple blood test, why aren't we?

Prostrate cancer at the age of 15?

Prostate cancer at age 15 is incredibly rare, maybe hasn't even happened.

How does one properly spell 'prostrate cancer symptoms'?

The correct spelling is "prostate cancer symptoms". The questioner has used an unnecessary "r" in the first word. Prostate is a gland in the male body. Prostrate means lying down in a submissive way.

How do you get help for prostrate cancer from the American cancer society?

I guess that depends on what kind of help you mean.But suggest calling them.1-800-227-2345

Where can i find common symptoms of Prostrate cancer?

Some symptoms or prostrate cancer include urinating much more often than normal, having a sensation that you need to urinate immediately,getting up to urinate multiple times during the night and difficulty starting the urine stream.

Does pomegranate juice really prevent prostrate cancer?

Pomegranate juice has been shown in a few early studies to have an effect on prostate cancer cells as well as possibly having an effect or preventing prostate enlargement. Research is not complete, and it should also be noted that pomegranate juice can interact with several medications.

Could prostrate cancer along with Crohns disease be fatal.?

Yes, but it will be the prostrate cancer that causes the fatality. Crohns by itself is rarely fatal but poor nutrition and treatment options for Crohns can weaken the immune system. This leaves patients with other underlying medical problems susceptible to those other problems.