There are close to 70 different strains of enteroviruses
Anthrax is caused by the bacterium Bacillus anthracis. Currently, 89 strains of Bacillus anthracis are known of. Some notable strains are:Ames Strain: Used in 2001 AMERITHRAX letter attacks, originally isolated from a cow in Texas in 1981.Sterne Strain (32F2): Used in 1930s vaccines by Max Sterne.Vollum Strain: weaponized by US, UK, and Iraq, originally isolated in 1935 from a cow in Oxforshire, UK.For more information and more strains, visit the related links.
Some strains of bacteria like anthrax can form spores, which are highly resistant structures that protect the bacteria from harsh environmental conditions like extreme temperatures, lack of nutrients, and disinfectants. These spores can remain dormant for long periods of time until conditions become more favorable for growth and reproduction. Additionally, anthrax bacteria have developed mechanisms to repair damage to their DNA caused by environmental stressors.
There are many different strains of yeast used, they each have different properties and some believe different strains my add different flavors to the wine!
Cholera, anthrax, and swine erysipelas are all bacterial infections. Rabies is a viral infection.
Anthrax spores were used in bioterror attacks in the US in 2001, where letters containing the spores were mailed to different locations, resulting in several individuals being infected with anthrax.
Answer they aren't made, they're grown. the differant strains come from crossbreeding different species, natural selection and general mutations.
When comparing tuberculosis, diphtheria, pertussis, and anthrax, which of the following is true? A. Vaccination has reduced the incidence of tuberculosis and anthrax. B. There's a diagnostic skin test for pertussis and diphtheria. C. Tuberculosis and anthrax can affect many different parts of the body. D. Tuberculosis and anthrax are viral infections.
Five antigenic variants of rabies strains are recognized in the United States, but unlike flu strains, one vaccine protects against all strains.
cutaneous from its more common.
what is the history on the anthrax disease