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Factors that Help Develop Good Mental Health

If there arefactors that affect mental health,there are also factors that help develop good mental health.


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Gina Tigere

Lvl 2
3y ago

Here are some ways you can take good care of yourself and develop a good mental health..

Watch Yourself

I do not mean literally stare at yourself in the mirror?! lol. I mean watch how you speak to yourself, how you respond to situations and how you react to your surroundings. Its important that you speak to yourself nicely. I know we often very aggressive to ourselves. I do not blame you at all for that, major contribution to that is how we were raised. We tend to criticize ourselves or over analyze and eventually you unintentionally become mean to our-selves. You hurt your own feeling in a way, for example saying things like, “I am not good enough”, or “I am ugly or im not pretty enough”. All this negative self talk has to stop. Its not good for you. It only makes you feel worse. Next is watch how you react to situations or respond to situations. We have no control over things that happen outside of us, we do have control over what happens inside of us. Next time something happens always remember you have the power to determine how you feel. You cant let random coincidences steal your joy. You are in-charge. Focus on you.

Avoid Drugs and Alcohol

I know our generation is one that is liberated. Back in the day, women were not allowed to drink alcohol. Our generation drinks so much its fascinating. I was a fan of alcohol until i had an alcohol induced anxiety attack. Yup that’s right. Conditions like that do exist and sometimes you will only be aware of it when its too late. As much as its so nice to drink and be intoxicated for a number of hours, alcohol is detrimental to the brain. Believe it or not, alcohol alters how we think and behave while drunk. Imagine over doing that over a period of time. I am not going to tell you to stop drinking alcohol but all i can say is take it easy. Avoid it when you can. I have no experience in drugs however what i can say from seeing others who are addicted is do not do drugs. They will ruin your life. Drugs and alcohol are some of if not the main causes of mental illness to some people.


Take some time off, if you feeling depressed or anxious, apparently sleeping is a natural way of feeling batter. I remember when i struggled with anxiety, sleep always made me feel better. I wouldn’t wake up feeling okay immediately, but over time I got control of my thoughts. Resting allows your brain to relax. Anxiety and depression is caused by over thinking and worrying about the future. Its also entangled with regret and worry. Take a break from the internet. Go on a social media detox. Make sure you rest from your phone as well. A good 2 weeks rest can help you heal from anxiety or depression. One step at a time you will surely get there. Besides taking an internet detox, you have to rest for at least 8 hrs min per day. Over working or lack of sleep is a serious cause of strain. If you find it hard to fall asleep, one thing that works for me is reading a book. I also listen to some 432hz music on YouTube. I find it really soothing. It helps me pass into sleep easily. You should try that.

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Factors influencing mental health include genetics, environment, experiences, lifestyle, and access to support systems. Genetics can predispose some individuals to mental health conditions, while experiences and environment can also play a significant role in shaping mental well-being. Lifestyle choices, such as exercise and diet, can impact mental health, as can access to social support networks and mental health services.

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You can help to develop good mental health in many ways. The most important ways are to be active, eat right, and meditate.

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Anyone can develop a mental health issue you, a family member, a friend, or a co-worker. Some mental disorders are mild, others are serious.