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women have a criticle sense of smell due to the nice febreeze smell they are most use to while men usually smell things that to women is discusting to men is well an everyday smell.

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Q: What are the difference between male and female sense of smell?
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What is the difference between male and female sense of smell?

Females generally have a more sensitive sense of smell than males, due to differences in hormonal levels and brain structure. This heightened sense of smell in females may be related to their roles as caregivers and nurturers, allowing them to detect subtle changes in their environment or in others.

Can female cats sense when another female is about to have kittens?

Yes. When a cat is about to have kittens, there is a certain smell, and other cats can smell this.

Do alligators have a good sense of smell?

no, the female gives the scent

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When do you lose your sense of smell?

The sense of smell is generally lost between ages 70-80. Also, it must be noted that it will be lost but not by some.

Which animal has a best sense of smell between moth and cat?

The dog has the best sense of smell.

Do polar bears have a good sense of smell?

Squirrels do have a good sense of smell but it matters on what kind. If its a male yes. And a female no.TEEHEE!

Can a male dog sense when a female dog is about to go into heat?

Dogs have glands at the base of their tails that give off pheremones the tell other dogs their age, sex, and if they are feeling like making friends or not. That is why dogs sniff each other's butts when they meet

Name an interesting fact about a dog's sense of smell?

They can smell a female in heat over 1/2 mile away. They can smell dinner through just about anything. They can smell a stranger before they get near the door.

What are the olfaction sense?

it refers to the sense of smell

What is the difference between senses and sense organs?

senses means see, hear, smell, taste and touch. sense organs means the organs which helps to know the senses and they are eyes, ears, nose, tongue and skin. Regards, Mahasudhakar.

Do crocodiles have a good sense of smell?

It has a sharp sense of touch, smell, and taste.