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In the United case arises per 100,000 people.more common in Southeast Asia.occurs in men only slightly more often than in most commonly diagnosed in people in their 50s and 60s.65% of patients with bile duct cancer are over age 65

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What causes strictures in the bile duct?

Pancreatic cancer is the most common malignant cause, followed by cancers of the gallbladder, bile duct, liver, and large intestine.

What is Cholangiocarcinoma?

Cholangiocarcinoma is cancer of a bile duct. The cancerous tumor is slow-growing and causes a blockage in the bile duct. Some symptoms of this condition can be jaundice and weight loss.

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Is a bile duct the same as a bile?

no because bile is stored in the bile duct

Duct transporting bile from gallbladder to common bile duct?

The duct that transports bile from the gallbladder to the common bile duct is called the cystic duct. It is a small tube that connects the gallbladder to the common bile duct, allowing bile produced by the liver and stored in the gallbladder to flow into the small intestine for digestion.

What does it mean if you have no bile duct dilation?

"no bile duct dilation" means the diameter if the bile duct is normal.

What duct is formed by the merger of the cystic duct and the common hepatic duct?

common bile ductThe common bile duct.

Carries bile into the duodenum?

Bile is made in the liver and passes through bile ducts and into the common hepatic duct which carries it out of the liver. From here, it can pass down the common bile duct into the duodenum or take a detour into the gallbladder via the cystic duct.

How is bile duct cancer prevented?

Other than the avoidance of infections caused by liver flukes, there are no known preventions for this cancer.

The fusion of the hepatic duct and the cystic duct forms the?

common bile duct

Why would a Bile duct is dialected?

bile duct dilated

What happened to the duct from the gallbladder on a pig?

In pigs, the duct from the gallbladder is called the cystic duct, which merges with the common hepatic duct to form the common bile duct. This common bile duct then carries bile from the liver and gallbladder to the duodenum for digestion.