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Tissues die when the nerves in them die. Sugar Diabetes kills nerves.

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Q: What are the dangers of type 2 diabetes?
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What are the dangers of overeating?

the dangers of overeating are diabetes, hypertesion.

What is the Pathophysiology of type 2 diabetes mellitus?

pathophysiology of diabetes mellitus type 2

What is level 2 diabetes?

Type 2 diabetes is a type of diabetes where the individual is not fully dependent on insulin. A type 1 diabetic requires insulin.

How many types of diabetic?

The types of Diabetes are type 1 with sub type -brittle diabetes, type 2 and juvenile diabetes, type 3 (under research) , and Gestational diabetes during pregnancy.

Is type 1 diabetes strong or type 2?

you know what my dad has type 2 diabetes and the type one is way way way worse. type one can kill you but when i was three my dad had type 2 diabetes and it is OK and did you know if your mom or dad had diabetes you are at risk of getting type 2 so say your dad or mom has type one diabetes you are at risk of getting it but if your mom or dad had type 2 diabetes you are at risk of getting type 2 - hope this helped alot

What hormone is imbalanced in type 2 diabetes?

Insulin is the hormone that is imbalanced in type 2 diabetes. In type 2 diabetes, insulin resistance results in the production of increased, but ineffective, insulin.

Can you get type 1 diabetes form being overweight?

No but you can get Type 2 Diabetes.

What is a good type of diabetes?

There is NO type of 'good' diabetes, but the one your looking for is probably type 1 diabetes. People are usually born with that type. Type 2 diabetes is the one people get if they're overweight, don't exercise, and they eat junk all the time.

Can people under twenty have diabetes?

absolutely. There are 2 kinds of diabetes. Type 1 and Type 2.

What is the difference between type 1 error and type 2 error?

diabetes are two type 1insulin dependent diabetes 2 non insulin dependent diabetes

What are the dangers of getting gastric bypass surgery when having diabetes?

Having diabetes and getting gastric bypass surgery is no more risky than someone who doesn't have diabetes. The only additional risk is the aftercare of the surgery. Diet will have to be strictly monitored. Gastric bypass is good for diabetes patients. It is a proven way to help reverse type 2 diabetes.

What is the diabetes that is not to bad?

the not so bad diabetes is called type 2 diabetes