Dangers of tanning at the beach include getting sunburned, developing melanoma, uneven tan lines and getting salt water on your sunburn which will sting like crazy.
=Sunburn==&==Skin Cancer=
i hate brooke
Some people love tanning themselves on a beach.
Currently Beach Bum Tanning Lotions do not contain SPF's. SPF's protect you skin from harmful rays.
It is very safe at the Beach tanning salons. One can achieve a beautiful tan skin from indoor tanning salons. The benefits include healthy glowing skin, mental as well as psychological benefits.
Sun tanning beds are definitely not safe. Most tanning salons are required to have a poster when you go in that warn you of the dangers of being exposed to light.
Beach bun tanning and airbrushing is available in many cities in New York, New Jersey, Connecticut, and Virginia. They are becoming one of the most popular tanning destinations.
Not at all
Beach Bum Tanning is located in the New York Metropolitan area. You will find locations in New York, New Jersey, Connecticut, Virginia, and West Virginia.
2.3 million teens visit tanning salons in the U.S. every year[5]. According to a Swedish study, the younger you are when you start indoor tanning, the greater your risk of melanoma[6]. A review of seven studies revealed that your risk of melanoma increases by 75 percent if you're exposed to tanning beds before the age of 35[1]. Although the World Health Organization (WHO) has called for teens to be banned from indoor tanning due to the dangers[7], only half of the states in the U.S. regulate tanning bed use by teens