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Fluid around the fetal heart are a sign of a congenital heart defect. When fluid is found around the fetal heart, it is known as hydrops.

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Q: What are the concerns with fluid around your unborn baby's heart?
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Related questions

What fluid surrounds a unborn baby?

Amniotic fluid.

How do you spell amawentancse?

The two most likely words are:amniocentesis - the sampling of fluid around an unborn babyacquaintance - someone you know only slightly

Fluid that surrounds the baby in the uterus?

Amniotic fluid Is a clear, slightly yellowish liquid that surrounds the unborn baby during pregnancy.

Is the membrane that forms a sac around an animal embryo.?

The membrane that forms a sac around an animal embryo is called the amniotic sac. The embryonic sac is a bag of fluid inside of a woman's womb where the unborn baby develops and grows.

Could fluid from around an unborn baby be a source of a blood borne infection?

Yes, especially if the bag of water broke for 18 hours or more where baby will need to have an antibiotic soon after delivery.

Why are dogs born in sacks?

They are inside a sack of fluid in their mother before they are born,as in humans this sack of fluid protects the unborn pup from jolts and knocks from the outside world.

What are the functions of the amnionic sac?

Amniotic fluid is a pale yellow fluid that serves to cushion the unborn baby from jolts and bumps. It provides a stable temperature and assists in maintaining a consistent body temperature for the unborn child. The fluid allows the baby to move freely and exercise growing muscles to develop a symmetrical musculoskeletal system. It allows for lung development as the baby begins to breathe amniotic fluid to strengthen his lungs and swallow fluid to develop the gastrointestinal tract. The kidneys develop as the baby urinates in the fluid.

How many sets of amniotic fluid do you have?

I'm not sure what you mean by 'sets' of amniotic fluid. However the baby is in one sac, which is filled with the fluid. What made you ask this question? Often when a womens waters break, the fluid behind or above the baby my be stopped from flowing out due to the babys position, or if the waters break above the baby, then the amniotic sac may still be intact around its head.

Can you hear the puppies inside the female dog?

No, unborn pups cannot vocalize because their lungs are full of amniotic fluid.

Where does the unborn fetus live?

The human fetus lives in the mothers uterus, he or she floats in a sack of fluid often called 'the bag of water'.

Is it normal to feel your unborn child on the inside but not on the outside of the stomach?

No, because it may simply suggest that you have polyhydramnios.Too much amniotic fluid.

Why was Wright's vapouriser fluid discontinued?

Wright's vaporizer fluid was discontinued due to low demand and decreased popularity as people shifted towards alternative products and methods for freshening indoor air. Additionally, changing regulations and safety concerns around the chemicals used in the fluid may have also played a role in its discontinuation.