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It can cause hypotension, headaches, or a pulse rate change

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13y ago

Some side effects of vasodilators go away as the body adjusts to the drug and do not need medical attention unless they continue

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Angina is a severe chest pain due to lack of blood and a lack of oxygen as a result. This is hard on your heart and your brain due to the lack of blood.

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Q: What are the complications of nitroglycerin?
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What is pleural of nitroglycerin?

The plural form of nitroglycerin is nitroglycerins.

What explosive is sometimes used to treat heart condition?

Nitroglycerin is a medication that is given for heart complications. It is a vasodialator which means is expands the blood vessels in the body allowing blood to flow easier.

How many Molecule are there in nitroglycerin?

Nitroglycerin is one molecule.

How does nitroglycerin relate to fat?

How is Nitroglycerin related to fat?!?!?!?!

What is the color of nitroglycerin?

Nitroglycerin is a colorless to pale yellow liquid.

What is the opposite of nitroglycerin?

The opposite of nitroglycerin would be a substance that is stable and not explosive.

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Stoichiometry problem for nitroglycerin?

The chemical formula for nitroglycerin is C3H5N3O9. To calculate the number of moles of nitroglycerin, divide the given mass of nitroglycerin by its molar mass (227.09 g/mol). To find the number of molecules of nitroglycerin, multiply the number of moles by Avogadro's number (6.022 x 10^23 molecules/mol).

What is the scientific name for nitroglycerin?

The scientific name for nitroglycerin is glyceryl trinitrate.

What type of nitroglycerin is good at preventing angina?

nitroglycerin tablets or nitroglycerin spray can both be applied sublingually (under the tongue). Either of these methods are the best type to prevent angina Pectoris

What are the common name for nitroglycerin?

"Nitroglycerine" is the common name.Dynamite is a mixture of nitroglycerin and an inert material such as diatomaceous earth.

What medication is commonly used to treat increase blood flow to the cardiac muscle?

Medications like nitroglycerin or calcium channel blockers can be used to increase blood flow to the cardiac muscle by dilating blood vessels and reducing the workload on the heart. These medications can help improve blood flow, relieve chest pain (angina), and reduce the risk of complications in conditions like coronary artery disease.