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The chances are very good.

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Q: What are the chances of conceiving 2 days after ovulation?
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Can you be fertile 2 days before ovulation date?

Yes, it is possible to be fertile 2 days before ovulation. Sperm can survive in the female reproductive tract for up to 5 days, so having intercourse leading up to ovulation can result in pregnancy. It is important to track your fertility signs to maximize your chances of conceiving.

What gender can you get 2 days after ovulation?

You cannot get pregnant two days after ovulation. During ovulation however, gender is 50/50. You will be able to see which gender your child is after being pregnant for 7 weeks.

Can be pregnant with sex two or three days to ovulation?

Yes! That's actually perfect timing to successfully become pregnant since sperm can live anywhaere from 3-5 days inside you! To have really good chances of conceiving, you should have sex 2 days before, the day of, and the day after ovulation. If you are trying to conceive immediately after performing sex on these 4 days try laying on your back for at least 15-30 minutes with a pillow under your lower back to help guide sperm inside your uterus. And NO LUBRICANT it can slow down sperm. If you are not trying to conceive I would invest in an ovulation calendar (I have the Ladytimer app on my iPhone) and avoid having sex during the week of ovulation! But for now you are on a two week wait to take notice of pregnancy symptoms and see if your period shows up if it doesnt take a home pregnancy test and go from there best of luck to you!

Pain at lower abdominal 2 DAYS after IUI?

May be it is due to Ovulation.

When are you most prone to get pregnant?

around ovulation time and approx 2 days before that

When to try and conceive?

It is ideal to try conceiving 2 days before your ovulation period. You can detect if you're ovulating through charting your menstrual cycle. The egg usually matures on the 14th day after the first day of your period. For example, if you have a 28 day cycle you're ovulation period will be on the 14th day of the cycle period. It would be best to have sex between the 12th and 15th day to achieve better results.

Is it possible to get pregnant after two days after your period?

ANSWERDay 1 and Day 2 of your period are the two days a month when your chances of conceiving are zero. According to the Emergency BC site Not-2-Late. Your chance begins rising starting day 3 and continues until 24 hours past ovulation, when it begins dropping slowly.It is not that the menses washes or rinses sperm away, it is that there are too many days before ovulating for there to be any remaining sperm to fertilize the ripe egg.Sperm can live up to a week in the female reproductive tract, waiting for ovulation.

How many days after conceiving will you know that you are pregnant?

I was 2 weeks pregnant when I found out. And I was on my period. You can take the test 2 weeks after sex, that is when the pregnancy pretty much starts.

Ovulation is the 16th can you get pregnant the 13th?

Yes. Its always good to have sex 2-3 days before you ovulate, the day you ovulate and 2 days after if your trying to get pregnant.

How long do you ovualt?

A typical women is fertile approximately 5-6 days of the month starting with 3-4 days before ovulation. Sperm can live anywhere from 3-5 days inside a women. The best time to have sex, if your trying to conceive, is 2 days before ovulation (which can be detected by your basal body temp, ovulation test or cervical discharge). A womens egg lives for 24 hours so you can also conceive up to 24 hrs after ovulation.

Does minigynon help to enhance pregnancy?

Yes. The above mentioned tablets contains combined Estrogen and Progesterone contraceptive. If you go to your Doctor, she will give to 2 months course of these tablets to "Suppress" ovulation and on third month, there are high chances of 'Rebound' ovulation and on day 14 of menses, you have an ovulation and if sexual contact is done from day 13 to day 15, there are high chances of pregnancy. This is most inexpensive method to treat infertility.

What does it mean when there is a positive ovulation test and then 2 days later there is bleeding?

its a sign of being pregnate don't freak