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It's not likely to get mumps after being immunized. However, you and your twin were likely immunized at the same time, and it's possible that whatever mechanism allowed him to get mumps in spite of immunization could also affect you. Ask your health care provider for advice specific to your situation.

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Q: What are the chances of catching mumps even if you have been vaccinated?
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Related questions

Who do vaccinations protect?

First, they protect the one that's been vaccinated. Secondly, by keeping the vaccinated one from catching the disease, they can't spread the disease, which in a slightly roundabout way also protects the unvaccinated.

Are there mumps only vaccines?

Although most people who were vacinnated with MMR to prevent mumps are fully protected, a small percentage of people have had mumps after a previous MMR vaccination. Within the last 10 years, several news articles discussed that older perople who had been vaccinated in the 1950s-60s may not have gotten proper boosters or the boosters may fail, so there was some discussion about whether older adults should be re-vaccinated. However, I never heard any follow-up on that news story. You should consult your family physician for any questions about what vaccinations children or adults should have.

Can you get Measles once you have been vaccinated?

It is possible to get measles even if you have been vaccinated, but the chances are significantly lower compared to those who are unvaccinated. The measles vaccine is highly effective, with two doses being about 97% effective at preventing the disease. If a vaccinated person does contract measles, it is usually milder and has fewer complications.

Why has your rabbit got myxomatosis when he hes been vaccinated?

The myxomatosis jag is only given to help prevent your rabbit from getting myxomatosis, It wont definetley prevent it from catching it but it will help alot! there is also a chance that your rabbit maybe had it before it was vaccinated but to be honest im not 100% sure and i am sorry to hear about your rabbit.

Is mumps catchable?

It is a virus and it is contagious. Most people living in developed countries have been immunized against it (mumps is one of the "M's" in the MMR vaccine) so will have some resistance and probably will not get it even if exposed. While immunization makes catching it less likely it is still possible to get even if you have had the shots. If you have not been immunized or if you have a problem with your immune system then it is highly contagious.

Which gland is affected when a patient has been diagnosed with the mumps?

Mumps affect the parotid gland .

What is the name of the vaccine for mumps?

The vaccine has traditionally been given as an MMR (measles, mumps, ruebella) series in infants.

If you have been in contact with your daughter who has mumps are you a risk to your 90 year old mother?

Only if you have never had the mumps, should you be worried.

Who is most able to get poliomyelitis?

Anyone that has not been vaccinated.

how many have been vaccinated in Tennessee?

5.09 Million

How long has mumps been around?

Its been around for 105 years since 1908 to 2013

When did mumps first appear?

Mumps has always been a viral disease, so origins are now known. It was first described by Hippocrates in the 5th century BCE