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Research has shown that as you age you release more Fsh, making the occurrence of multiples increase to 21.7 per cent per 1000 live births. Also, the increasing use of fertility drugs and Ivf, at these ages increase your chance of twins.

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Q: What are the chances of a woman over the age of 35 having twins?
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My grandmothers sister had twins what are my chances?

Overall chances of your having twins are about 3.2%. According to several sources, here are some factors in increasing your chances of having twins: You are over 45 (17% of women over 45 have twins). You have twins in your family on your mom's side (17%). You are African-American. You have been pregnant before. You have had twins before (12%). You are undergoing fertility treatment. You are overweight. You are tall.

There has not been twins in your husbands side of the family in over 70 years what are your chances of having twins?

there is a 1 in 7 chance that you will have twins scientificly but you could be a lucky one if you wish for it enough.

If my grandma on my mom's side had twins what are the chances that i will have twins?

Here are the variables that increase chances of having twins or multiple babies: 1) You the mom are over 45 2)You live in Massachusetts 3)You take fertility drugs or undergo fertility treatments 4)You, your mother, or her mother is a fraternal twin. Skips generations 5)You already had fraternal twins 6)You are Nigerian 7)You are tall or overweight. Here are the variables that decrease chances of having twins or multiple babies: 1)You are Hispanic or Asian 2)You are under 25 3)You live in Hawaii If you are looking for statistics for identical multiple births (instead of fraternal), then the chances are very much less likely than fraternal twins. ~The chances of having triplets or more is 1 in 8100 and odds having quadruplets are 1 in 729,000

I am a fraternal twin what are the odds of me having twins?

As a fraternal twin, your chances of having twins are higher than the general population, but it's not a guarantee. The genetic component that increases the likelihood of conceiving fraternal twins is typically passed down through the maternal line. However, there are also other factors that can influence the chances of conceiving twins, such as age and family history.

Will you have twins if your mother is a twin and your fathers brothers are twins?

Ok here are the chances of having twins or multiple babies, 1) You the mom are over 45 2)You live in Massachusetts 3)You take fertility drugs or undergo fertility treatments 4)You,your mother, or her mother is a fraternal twin. Skips generations 5)You already had fraternal twins 6)Your Nigerian 7)Your tall or over weight. Here are the chances of not having twins or multiple babies, 1)You are Hispanic or Asian 2)You are under 25 3)You live in Hawaii 4)Your looking for identical multiple ( I am one for a fact) ~The chances of having triplets or more is 1 in 8100 and odds having quadruplets are 1 in 729,000

How common are twins?

Naturally conceived twins occur in approx. 1 in 89 births Identical twins are much more rare than fraternal. They occur in approximately 1 in 250 births. There are things that can increase your chances of having a multiple birth, including a mother being 30 or over when she conceives. For example, while there is a 3% chance of having a multiple birth at age 25-29, it increases to 4% at 30-34 years and almost 5% at 35-39 years. Other factors that can increase your chances of having twins include having a maternal family history of multiple births (fraternal), and of course, using fertility treatments (in vitro fertilization or fertility drugs). Your chance of having twins is also influenced by your race (multiples are more common in African Americans and least common in Hispanics and Asians), how many times you have been pregnant (the chance of having twins increases with each pregnancy), and whether or not you have had twins already.

Is there an evolutionary advantage to twins?

For some animal species, having twins can increase the chances of offspring survival. In humans, there may be social advantages for twins, such as built-in companionship and support. However, in terms of strict evolutionary advantages, having twins is not necessarily preferred over single births.

Twins cheat for Sims 3?

There is no cheat for twins in Sims 3, however there are ways to heighten the chances of multiples. The first is to get the fertility treatment lifetime reward. It gives better chances of conception and of twins or triplets. If both the father and the mother have the reward, the chances are even higher. The second is to get the mother to listen to the kid's music channel on a stereo, or watch the kid's channel on the TV. This gives better chances of multiples, but only up to two hours will have an effect. Anything over that is pointless as it won't change the chances.

Chances of pregnancy over 50?

if you are still getting your menstrual period there is a possibility of having a baby

What are your chances of having twins the 3 pregnancy if you had twins the first pregnancy and single birth the second?

I am sure there is am mathematical equation out there somewhere on percentages but that I don't know. I know twins run in our family. My mom had twins her 2nd pregnancy. Her 1st was me and I was a loner, then my twin sisters, then 2more single births. My little brother and my baby sister. So for my mom, 4 pregnancies, only 1 twin. Now before you go getting all excited (unless up want more twins), her sister got pregnant 3 times & had twins all 3 times! My me mom says my aunt has always been an over achiever & a show off though LOL!

Is there a higher probability of twins for women over 40?

Yes, because after 35 your probability for having multiple births goes up.

What happens when you over work while pregnant?

You are going to increase your chances of having a miscarriage or stillbirth. It is better to take at easy.