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Fatty foods can cause this so you may what to eat correctly...
Animals produce cholesterol in their bodies. Cholesterol moves nutrients throughout the body, via the blood stream. Dietary cholesterol comes from consuming animals or animal products.

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9y ago
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11y ago

The most common cause of high cholesterol is eating foods that are high in cholesterol. Some people's genetics make them more likely to have high cholesterol, but with a diet low in cholesterol and medication, it can be managed. Avoiding food high in cholesterol is the first step in lowering your cholesterol.

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7y ago

High cholesterol is caused mainly by a diet high in fat, especially animal fats, but it can be cuased by heredity. High cholesterol causes Heart disease, which is the leading cause of death in the U.S.A.

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13y ago

LDL (low-density lipoprotein) cholesterol is responsible for the fatty deposit which builds up in the artery walls, thinning the artery passage. LDL cholesterol is more likely to create these build-ups when oxidised. This can happen when alcohol is consumed, or in a smoker's body.

The amount of saturated fat increases the amount of LDL cholesterol.

Saturated fat tends to be solid at room temperature.

However, we should try to lower the total amount of fat taken in, and this can be done by:

  • eating less red meat, and substituting it for chilcken adn fish
  • eating oily fish once a week
  • replacing butter and hard margarines with soft margarine or low fat spreads ( but NOT ones which contain trans-fats)
  • using reduced-fat products such as low-fat cream cheese, (semi-) skimmed milk
  • grilling, boiling, microwaving or steaming instead of frying
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11y ago

Diet plays an important role as a cause of high cholesterol. Eating high fat foods especially the foods which are high in saturated and trans-fats can cause high cholesterol. Genetics can also play a role as high cholesterol can run in the family.

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13y ago

Elevated cholesterol levels also may result from hepatitis, blockage of the bile ducts, disorders of lipid metabolism, nephrotic syndrome, inflammation of the pancreas, or hypothyroidism

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11y ago

Causes of high cholesterol affect our body causing symptoms such as fainting, pain cazeba, obscuring the view, among others, must undergo treatment and rune teen good diet and exercise.

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11y ago

There are a number of potential causes of high cholesterol. The main causes are eating foods high in cholesterol such as fatty foods and cakes, smoking and not exercising enough.

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12y ago

Cholesterol is manufactured by the body.

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What causes high cholesterol please?

The biggest causes of high cholesterol are poor diet and a poor, inactive lifestyle. Smoking is also a large factor, as is alcohol. Avoiding smoking and alcohol can help lower cholesterol.

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High cholesterol levels, and not enough exercise.

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Many biscuits have saturated or trans fat which causes high cholesterol. If the fat in the biscuit is unsaturated fat, that is better.

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High cholesterol

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High cholesterol can be causes by many many factors but i have taken the liberty to provide a link that will tell you everything you need yo know about what high cholesterol is and how to treat it

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Having angina can be very serious. Major causes of angina is smoking, high fat and cholesterol diet, high cholesterol levels, high blood pressure and high blood sugar levels. A way to keep from getting it is a healthy diet and exercise.

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High cholesterol levels, and not enough exercise.

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Xanthelasma or xanthoma is a skin disorder sometimes seen in people with high cholesterol.

What are common causes of high cholesterol?

There are several different causes of high cholesterol, but it mostly comes down to lifestyle choices. Lack of exercise and a poor diet are large contributors. Also, smoking and alcohol use can have an affect, as well.

What causes bad cholesterol?

Salt and sugar. Foods with high acids and sodium. (salt)

Where can I find a list of the causes of high cholesterol?

Here follows a list of the main causes of high cholesterol: An unhealthy diet, as in the amount of saturated fat you injest; The lack of exercise or physical activity; Drinking large amounts of alcohol and smoking.

What are the main causes of high cholesterol?

Some causes are due to lifestyle and others due to your genes. A poor diet and a lack of exercise can lead to high cholesterol, such as eating too much saturated fat, and being overweight may contribute.