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The causes of excessive daytime sleepiness include lacking sleep during the night and also some illnesses or their treatment. If someone is having chemotherapy this can cause sleepiness. Also if someone is not eating enough and they are starving this can cause sleepiness.

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Q: What are the causes of excessive daytime sleepiness?
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Nuvigil or Armodafinil is used to treat excessive sleepiness. It's a controlled substance with possible abuse potential, but it causes wakefulness, not sleepiness as narcotics do.

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There are a number of possible symptoms for Hypersomnolence. The main symptom is excessive sleepiness during the daytime. It is thought to effect abut 5% of the population.

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Recurring hypersomnia involves periods of excessive daytime sleepiness that can last from one to many days, and recur over the course of a year or more.

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Modafinil acts to combat excessive daytime sleepiness (EDS) and cataplexy, the leading symptoms of narcolepsy, by stimulating sleep-suppressing peptides (orexins) in the brain.

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=Narcolepsy-==It is a sleep disorder. It is characterized by (EDS) excessive daytime sleepiness, where patient experiences intense fits of drowsiness and can fall into a deep sleep upon standing or driving...=

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There are several reasons why a person might be suffering from excessive sleepiness. One reason is that a person may not be getting enough rest or sleep each night.

What can be prescribed for excessive sleepiness?

Provigil (Modafinil) is a prescription FDA approved medication used to treat excessive sleepiness due to obstructive sleep apnea (OSA), shift work sleep disorder, or narcolepsy. I also know of people who have been prescribed it for off-label use in treated excessive sleepiness due to lyme disease and such.

What is modafinil's principal use?

It is primarily used to promote wakefulness and alertness in persons with narcolepsy , a condition that causes excessive sleepiness and cataplexy (episodes of sudden loss of muscle control).