not focusing on the road.
Deplorable condition of women
The children lived in deplorable conditions.The fire department described the housing as deplorable. The deplorable food handling led to an outbreak of salmonella poisoning.
That was a deplorable action, you villain. Putting a bomb beneath the bleachers is a deplorable act.
My brother, Steve, is a very deplorable singer.
The state of the Department's security was truly deplorable.
Islam is a religion. Nothing to worry about it. However, the Muslims (if they can be called Muslims) are in a very poor and deplorable condition.
The noun forms for the adjective deplorable are deplorableness and deplorability.
What is road condition in monteagle mountain.
I deplore when people don't make an effort to use grammatical sentences.I have several more sentences for you.I deplore teaching you how to do your own homeworkThe teacher should deplore your cheating.I deplore your lack of effort.
What some people might consider to be an act of pure depravity other people might view as an act of love.
Actually big butts are hideous, and you should not envy this deplorable condition! Who do she think she be? Kim Kardashian or JLO?