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NONE!!! Smoking is a horrible habit and should be made illegal!!!


None is true it makes you stupider makes you sleepy and makes you less attracted to women

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Q: What are the advantages of smoking marjouna?
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What are 2 advantages of smoking food?

The advantages of smoking food is that it preserves the food by killing bacteria either by the application of heat:- Hot smoking. Or in cold smoking by killing bacteria by the infusion of phenols and other wood resins found in the smoke.

What are some advantages of smoking turkey?

The advantages of smoking turkey meat are the delicious smoked flavour to the meat but in particular that it is preserved for longer than turkey that has not been smoked.

What are the advantages of public smoking?

Lung cancer, tar, emphysema, for smokers and nonsmokers

advantages of smoking food preservation?

Taste is amazing

What are the advantages of hypnotherapy to stop smoking say compared to the patch?

There are several advantages of hypnotherapy to stop smoking. Clinical hypnosis may be used to treat certain physical or psychological problems. For instance, it is frequently used to help patients control pain.

What are the advantages and disadvantages of target costing?

its when a female plant talks to a male plant about smoking a joint

What are the advantages of smoking cannabis?

yes its good to get HIGH makes you hungry helps you relax and sleep easier

What are the advantages of smoking food?

Smoking food adds a unique and complex flavor profile to dishes, enhancing the taste of meats, seafood, and vegetables. It also helps preserve food by extending its shelf life through the smoking process. Additionally, smoking can help tenderize tougher cuts of meat, making them more enjoyable to eat.

What are the advantages of media in controlling smoking among teenagers?

well according to me media can help a lot in controlling tenagers from smoking. media can just picturise those things on tv which is very useful for teenagers in quitting smioking

What are the advantages to cold smoking meats?

Cold smoking meats can give it a better taste through out it due to how long it takes. Though it works better than some methods, it doesn't work better than all methods.

What are the advantages in smoking?

Bad breath yellow teeth cancer tar in your lungs fingernails are messed up. Yep I see a winner..Dont smoke its gross

Secondhand smoking worse than smoking?

Secondhand smoking means the passive smoking and passive smoking is worse even than smoking cigarettes.