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Hair on the skin, body hair, or more properly androgenic hair, serves the function of extending the sense of touch. Follicle nerves beneath the hair shafts, under the skin, detect any movement or vibration of the hairs. This may be due to an object touching the skin or a disturbance in the nearby air.

Hair also provides a small amount of insulation, such as when 'goosebumps' raise the hairs along the arm.

A final purpose for body hair is that of sexual attraction. The hair follicles of the pit and groin regions are next to pheremone producing glands. As the androgenic hair is courser in those regions, the pheremones become trapped.


apparently there are no evidences which might point out as to the importance of having or having no hair on the skin. skin hair does not serve any function in the body.

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9y ago

Normally, your skin can get affected with rashes. Skin rashes are quite common during the monsoon season. Thus, one needs to be extremely careful about them. If you face any such problem, you should immediately contact a doctor. However, there are various herbal medicines available in the market which can help you in dealing with this matter. Many a times small skin rashes can even lead to skin cancers if not taken proper care.

To know more about herbal remedies in this regard, check out:

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11y ago

Human skin, while having many wonderful advantages of its own, misses out on some interesting perks from other forms of outer membrane:

Ameoba cell membrane: It keeps the shape of the ameoba and offers protection, much like human skin, but is far more semipermeable. This allows nutrients to pass easily through the membrane, while disallowing unwanted materials. Skin can do this to a degree [blocking dirt, allowing vitamin E], but not at the level of repelling toxins and taking in lunch.

Reptile Skin: Reptile skin is water tight, offers more protection than human skin.

Fur: Added warmth, many types of fur repel water and trap air (which aids in insulation and further adds warmpth). Some types of fur protect from extreme weather conditions, such as harsh cold and frost.

Feathers: Aid in flight, repel water and mud

The different skin types and outer coverings of animals enables them to live in varying environments, even in ecosystems that humans [with their skin] would find inhospitable.


I realy cant see the disadvantages of us having skin...

it have come from the evulution changed and evolved. it do it posible to feel, but that come fro nerves, it is water prof and isolate the body and do also ofthen regulate the bodys heat. so for what I can see it is none. it also hide our smelly body^^.

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