The two blood borne diseases most prevalent in the United States are HIV and Hepatitis.
Yes, HIV is a blood-borne pathogen.
pathogen transmitted in the dental setting
to protect the employee
Yes, it primarily exists in the circulatory system and destroys T-cells. This is why blood transfusions are checked for HIV/AIDS.
Different blood borne diseases have different incubation periods.
Mosquito born diseases are very common in India.
Here are some air-borne diseases:the common coldinfluenzapneumoniatuberculosislegiollenosis
The blood borne pathogen standard results in the use of Universal Precautions.
A bloodborne pathogen is a microorganism, such as a virus or bacterium, that can be transmitted through contact with infected blood or other bodily fluids. Examples include HIV, hepatitis B, and hepatitis C.
they are both blood and body fluid borne diseases
Not at all. There are thoughts that it may be caused by a virus damaging the pancreas but nothing definitive , but it is not contagious.